
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

2018 Finish Along - Fourth Quarter Projects

We are already into week two of the fourth quarter.  Time flies, especially this time of year. Hard to believe it's time to decide on what projects go on the list as potential finishes for the fourth quarter of the 2018 Finish Along

Out of all the projects on my 2018 Quilt Plan, only three have made it to completed status.  That leaves nine quilts left that could go on the list for this quarter. Out of those nine, there are three that have a good chance of making to to the finished list. 

1.  Halloween Mystery Quilt (new start)

 Halloween Mystery
designed by Carrie Randall (Quilter's Hideaway)

The rows have all been sewn together since this picture was taken and the first border strip has been attached.  The second border strip is pinned, ready to sew on.  So this one has a good chance of making it to the finished stage.  It's not on my UFO list, but finishing it will keep it off the list.  That counts right? 

2.  Inverted Star (From Third Quarter Quilt Along list)

 Inverted Star by Jessica Boschem of Common Threads
available from Craftsy as a free download

The center is all stitched together and the blocks for the pieced border are all done. Now to figure out where those stars go in the border and start stitching them together.  It will also need a backing pieced before it can go out for quilting. This is a graduation quilt for one of the Scientist in Training's friends.  The friend graduates in December so this one really needs to get done. 

3.  Christmas Angels (From the second quarter list)

 Christmas Angels  Pattern by Kate

Another project that just needs the borders and the backing finished so it can be sent out for quilting.  It would be nice to get this one done so it could be gifted as a Christmas present this year. 

The top two are definitely doable, not sure about number three.  Maybe.  But since there is no penalty associated with not getting everything on the list completed, I'll add one last project to the list.  

4.  Vintage Dresses (from the first quarter list).

 Vintage Dresses blocks by Charise Randell, Setting by Kate

This was supposed to be a high school graduation gift, but it didn't get done in time.  This quilt also just needs borders and backing so it can be sent out for quilting.  It would be nice to get this one finished too, but I'm not counting on it.  

That's my list for the fourth quarter quilt along.  If all four of them get finished, that will be seven total quilts completed for 2018.  That would tie my best year in terms of finishes. Fingers crossed that I can get that far.  

Linking up with the Fourth Quarter 2018 Finish Along.  


  1. That's an ambitious list but with your 15 minutes a day, I'm sure you can done more than you think. And, yes, keeping new projects off the UFO list definitely counts!!!

  2. Oh such lovely quilts! Can't wait to see how you do on your projects!!! And I love your blog. Your FAL entries introduced me to your blog earlier in the year.

  3. Good luck with your finishes ... you are sew close to getting them done!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  4. There are some great choices! I often make quilts with no borders because it is such a tedious job for me!

  5. Such beautiful projects! I'm cheering you on to get them all done, but any progress will be wonderful.

  6. Your inverted star quilt is beautiful, I think my wish list is growing. Good luck with finishing.

  7. You have a number of quilts just shyof the quilting stage. Go for it! On behalf of the entire crew, thanks for participating in 2018 Finish-A-Long. Good luck completing your projects!


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