
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 38 of Stitching and Stashing

It's been a nice weekend.  We took Friday off, the plan was to go hiking and enjoy the cooler weather.  It rained. So we spent part of the day at the book store, drinking coffee and hanging out. We stopped for a very nice lunch and hit a few other places on our way home.  I did get home in time to get in my 15 minutes of stitching before bedtime. 

It actually was a very good week on the stitching front.  

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/Sept = 22/22 days
15 minutes stitching days/2018 = 248/265 days
Success rate = 93.58%

The goal for this year is to stay above 90% on finding time each day to stitch. So far, so good there.

Can't say that for the stash report.  I've been giving into temptation more than I should.  Part of Friday's mess around day was trip to the quilt shop in Tulsa.  I couldn't resist adding a bit to my Halloween stash to supplement the bits and pieces that have been going into the mystery quilt. 

I really liked the ravens, but My Guy was a big fan of the Jack-O-Lanterns.  So there's been more out than in this year, but at least there is a bit going out. 

Fabric used this week:  0.99 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  32.28 yards
More in than out for 2018

Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report.  You can link up below to share how you did at finding time to stitch this week.  (Sorry to be so late posting this morning, the Internet has been intermittent and not at all cooperative!)

1. Julie in GA

2. Aileen

3. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Great new fabrics! I love the ravens, and those are some scary looking Jack O' Lanterns.

  2. I have the fabric on the bottom right. The ravens are great. Who doesn't love a good orange?

  3. I love the ravens too. I like all your choices.

  4. Your mess around day sounds perfect! I really like the raven fabric!

  5. Not much of a Halloween aficionada, but I like that raven fabric and gray print. Some weeks one just has to buy fabric.

  6. Your Halloween fabrics are great! Have a lovely week.

  7. It is hard to resist buying fabric. Yours are great - just in time for some Halloween fun.

  8. I like your new fabrics and look forward to seeing the Halloween quilt!

  9. I love the raven fabric and will have to look for some of that, too. You've done a great job of sewing every day!


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