
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Week 24 of Stitching and De-Stashing

My Guy is headed out the door for a bike ride, his version of a Happy Father's Day.  The Scientist in Training is still asleep.  She'll head back to school later today.  It's been nice to have her home this weekend.  She and I ended up on an impromptu shopping expedition yesterday afternoon, which was a lot of fun.  Between that and the late afternoon headache, not as much got done in the sewing room as I had planned, but that's OK.  It still was a good week overall in terms of finding at least 15 minutes to stitch each day. 

15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/month = 16/16 days
15 minutes stitching days/year = 157/167 days
Success rate = 94.01%

One night wasn't actually spent stitching, but figuring out how to move things around in the sewing room after a storm took out all the power receptacles in it. I'm using electrical outlets from the adjacent bathroom and the hallway. A trip to Lowe's for longer extension cords may be in the cards, depending upon how long it takes us to get an electrician out to the house.  Last time we needed one to redo the wiring the squirrels chewed through, it took us about 4 weeks to get someone here.  

In terms of stash busting, not much of that happened this week.  

Fabric used this week:  0.35 y
Fabric used in 2018:  23.58 y
Fabric added in 2018:  18.91 y
Net fabric out for 2018:  4.67 y

At least there wasn't any incoming stash this week.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report. 

Hope you had a great week of stitching and stash busting. Here's Mr. Linky so you can share how things went. 

1. Melissa G
2. maggie f
3. Aileen K
4. Julie in GA
5. Susanne
6. Christina's Handicrafts
7. Shasta

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  1. Happy Father's Day to all Your Guy's

  2. Look at a 94% that's a solid A! Do you struggle with headaches a lot? It's no fun, huh? Glad you got to enjoy some time with your girl this weekend!! :)

  3. Another good week for you, and you’re making a dent in that stash too!


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