
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Saturday Sewing?

So far Saturday has been hanging out with My Guy and a cup of coffee.  Then a second cup of coffee, laundry and a bit of quilty prep for later today.  But first, the Scientist in Training is trying to get her stuff packed and loaded up so she can head back to college for summer school. It wasn't her first choice, but she couldn't find the class she needed offered at any of the local colleges. Going this summer puts her back on sequence with her math classes, so she'll have the requirements for all her science classes next year.  I hate to see her go, so I'm sure there will be lots of sewing time this afternoon to cheer myself up.  

There's a bit of quilty prep needed this morning so I'm ready to go this afternoon.  I finished the binding for En Provence early this week, then realized I hadn't printed out and washed the label.  I've been going back and forth on a different name for En Provence and finally just decided that name is staying.  So decision made, time to print the label.  Well no it wasn't.  I've had working copies of a label made since last October, so you'd think a tweak or two and it would be ready to print.  Not so.  Here's where I left things last October. 

For whatever reason, this label wasn't working for me this morning.  Looking at what else was in the file, the very first effort drew my eye. 

This is really icons of Paris, so yes France, but not related to Provence.  That didn't work for me either.  So what now?  Start from scratch of course.  The backing provided the inspiration for the final label. 

The lighter labels do not fade as badly as the darker ones do, so I tend to be happier with those.  Plus the colors in this label will really stand out from the backing.  Now to print it, soak it in water to remove the excess ink and let it dry.  These labels dry pretty fast.  If I get it done this morning, it should be ready to use this afternoon. 

The other item on the sewing agenda today is to make an attempt to get caught up on the Squared Away blocks, this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  The fabric for last month's three pink blocks is selected. 

I did get a few triangles cut from the background fabric last night.

Hopefully I can get caught up with the pink this weekend so I can get started on this month's color, teal.  

Linking up with Soscrappy for this week's Rainbow Scrap Challenge Post.  


  1. Sorry you had such a short time with SIT. I like the label with the Eiffel Tower too but I understand that it is more Paris. Does the third one match the backing fabric? That's a wonderful choice!

  2. This stage when they flit in and out of our homes/lives is hard. Stitching is good therapy! I love your label of choice -- it's perfect for the piece and captures the feel of "Aix-en-Provence" perfectly! Enjoy your day! :)

  3. My morning started the same way. We so enjoy coffee and breakfast on the patio together. Now we have a rainy afternoon. So there a tutorial on your blog on how you make these labels. I love them!

  4. All of the labels are gorgeous! I need to start working on labels, but I just fear the attempt. Time to overcome my fear.

  5. I agree with Val's suggestion of a tutorial on making labels. You always make such fabulous labels for your quilts! We would all love to learn more about how you do it.

  6. Hope you’ve had some good sewing time this weekend! Love the label!

  7. Love your label! Are you using a software to design them?


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