
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 17: Stitching and De-Stashing

It's been such a pretty weekend, spring seems to have finally sprung.  I was more than ready for that.  My sewing room didn't see a lot of me yesterday and probably won't see much of me today as there are plans to get out and soak up some of that warm sunshine. Getting in at least my 15 minutes of stitching before the end of the day may be a challenge.  

It was a good week in terms of fitting in some stitching time here and there. 

Days with stitching time this week:  7 out of 7 days
Days with stitching time this month:  28 out of 28 days
Days with stitching time this year:  110 out of 118 days
Success rate:  93.22%

With the prettier weather it's going to be a challenge to keep up; like many of you, our yard really needs some work.  Plus I've been gearing up to get back on the bicycle.  The weight loss program has stalled and I need to add in some new physical activity to jump start it again.  So my stitching time most days will likely only be 15 minutes.  Still that's better than no stitching time at all.  How do you balance the increase in activities that comes with spring and summer?  

Mister Linky is set up at the bottom of the post so you can link up how well you did at finding time to stitch.  

Moving out stash has been slow going, but at least it's going out and not coming in.  

Fabric used this week:  0.45 y
Fabric used in 2018:  22.28 y
Fabric purchased in 2018:  6 y
Net fabric out for 2018:  16.28 y

The out remains higher than the in.  Though I will admit, those Connecting Threads flash sales have been a very tough temptation.  But I've resisted so far.  Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for this week's stash report.  

Have a great week of stitching and stash busting. 

1. Melissa G
2. maggie f
3. Julie in GA
4. Meloney
5. MartiDIY
6. Aileen K
7. di
8. Christina's Handicrafts
9. Shasta
10. Deana

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  1. Connecting Threads! Oh I was so tempted by Captiva. And I suspect a charm pack could still find it's way into my life at some point. LOL

  2. The spring weather hasn't made a lasting appearance here yet. Sometimes I take my hand work and sit outside in the summer to get outside and still stitch.

  3. Good job on sewing every day. Yes, those Connecting Threads sales are tempting. I finally had to unsubscribe so I wouldn't see them any more. lol

  4. Yes, finding time to sew is tough in nice weather as I have so much garden to tend. OTH our weather has been so crappy, that I've only been out two or three times, starting last week, which is the latest date I think I've ever begun yard work. This morning it was snowing. Now the sun is out but only near 40 degrees. And yet they say it will be near 80 on Wednesday! But the time has come for me to cut back and reduce the gardens. The deer have become a scourge and I'm just getting to old for all that bending and hauling, etc. So maybe my sewing time will increase. I know I'll have more money to spend on fabric if I'm not buying plants and dirt and such.

  5. It helps that the during the winter, I've cut some and then it is ready to just stitch when I get a chance.

  6. I'm out gardening also. Finally! and I'm in sunny CA.

  7. I thought spring had finally arrived here in the UK a couple of weeks ago but now we are back to cold weather, at least it is just showers and not constant rain. Your number of sewing days for the year is impressive, well done you.

  8. Way to go with the out v in. And 7 out of 7 days is amazing!

  9. Glad you weather has improved, we are still having an Indian Summer which is good for school holidays not so much for garden which desperately needs rain.

  10. I spent time outside both days this weekend and it was lovely. I usually have a lot less sewing time in the summer between outdoor activities and the cold basement temps in the summer, but I am going to try to avoid that this year so I can keep some of my projects moving!

  11. The weather has been absolutely beautiful today, and I managed to spend some time outdoors as well as in. It is a fine balance though, and I guess as long as overall it works out in the year, it is okay. I need to get that exercise in too

  12. You're doing well. Don't give in! =) Unless you really need to. LOL. I like the beautiful weather, but I'm still an inside person. The bugs will eat me up every time I go outside, and I scratch for days! Nothing keeps them off me, and nothing stops the itching. So I only go out when I have to! The more humid it is, the worse the bugs are. My sewing time is safe. =)


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