
Monday, April 2, 2018

2018 Ambitions: Successes and Failures

You had to wonder if Mother Nature decided to play along with April Fool's Day this year.  We had freezing rain most of the way home yesterday.  It wasn't heavy enough to make the roads bad, but it certainly was nerve racking wondering if conditions would get any worse.  We got home without incident and thankfully the Scientist in Training only hit one minor patch on her way back to school last night.  We are under a winter weather watch this morning for more freezing rain.   The calendar may say spring, but winter hasn't left yet. 

Speaking of things that are still hanging around, Vintage Dresses is still up on the design wall. 

 Vintage Dresses by Charise Randell

The third row of dresses is ready to be sewn together.  That leaves two rows of dresses and three more rows of sashing to finish.  The One Monthly Goal for March was to get all the sashing made have all the rows sewn together.  That didn't happen.  This is only the 4th time in the two years I've been playing along with the OMG that I didn't finish a monthly goal.  March was just really busy on both the work and family fronts.  Looking at it that way, I'm just going to be happy that there was good progress in spite of the busy month. That's pretty much it for what's going on in the sewing room for the last week.  I'm linking up with the usual suspects:

Monday Making
Design Wall Monday
Main Crush Monday

The rest of this post is a review.  Back in December, I developed a list of quilting ambitions as part of Quilting Jet Girls 2018 Planning Party.  It helps me remember to celebrate my successes and stay focused on my goals for the year if I review my progress on that list at the end of each quarter.  So here's the status of those ambitions.  

Ambition #1: Shorten the UFO List
                       No Progress

Ambition #2: Participate in select quilt along/mysteries 
                       Progress:  Squared Away quilt along is started

 Squared Away Sampler
designed by Mari (The Academic Quilter)
The 2018 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project

Ambition #3:  Find 15 minutes to stitch each day
                        Success rate = 91%

Ambition #4:   Stash Management
                         Purchase less than 5 yards per quarter (4 yards in)
                         Organize the stash - a little progress
                         Use only stash fabrics for new projects - yes
Ambition #5:  Blog once a week
                        41 blog posts for 13 weeks = 3/week

I'm doing better than I expected on my ambitions for the year.  Finding time to stitch, blog and limit the amount of stash additions is going well.  The biggest disappointment is that the UFO list isn't going down.  There has been progress on several UFOs, they just haven't progressed to the point of being finished. So for second quarter, I need to work a little harder on moving those almost finished UFOs along.  


  1. You will eventually get to your finishes, as long as you are moving them along a bit each month. I am impressed with the low amount you bought! You rock! And those dresses-well you know I have been eyeing that project!

  2. I think it's good to review your yearly goals on a quarterly basis. It shows all the great progress that you have made. The UFO's might not have moved much, but like you said, you're making progress. And that's a very. good. thing! :)

  3. This is awesome! I like this quarterly check in on your goals -- its a great way to keep yourself accountable!

  4. Love your quilts. I'm having a difficult UFO year too. People keep bringing me things to quilt and make. LOL I'm not a business, but help out friends. Any progress is good.

  5. Well, you’re doing great with your ambitions. To miss OMG only twice is quite an accomplishment. Weird weather!

  6. Yay for meeting your goals expectations. The UFO pile will be there, you've got time to whip it into shape. Love the progress on Vintage!

  7. Yea for moving forward. Sorry you didn't reach your OMG but progress is being made! And, I really love your sashing for these. Of course, I see that they take way more time to do too. If it makes you feel any better none of my UFOs are even being worked on!

  8. Great progress on goals. I think that getting sewing time is most important since if you aren't sewing, you can't finish the UFOs. Blogging more often is helpful since one feels like reporting progress encourages more sewing. I know it works for me.

    I've been trying to work on the 15 minutes a day - not doing as good as you are, but once I get in there, I exceed the 15 minutes.


  9. I totally agree with ya....some months are just like that...but anytime spent with family is worth it. :)

  10. I think the finishing takes more time than the piecing - just saying:)

  11. Don't be too hard on yourself for not meeting the OMG - that's some meticulously piecing there! My February goal was Celtic Solistice and I'm still working on it. I don't think it'll ever be done!

  12. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't make my OMG either. And it's also fairly rare for me to not be successful. Progress is progress, though, and vintage dresses are looking fabulous!

  13. I made myself some UFO goals to finish in two month chunks. Although I finished some, I am several behind. I will get there, but not this month, as I have a couple projects to do for my nephews wedding on the 21st of this month!

  14. Yay you!!! I love it when someone ( ahem - not me) cna stick to the goals - ha ha - your doing awesome!!! and I LOVE that Dresses quilts!

  15. You are doing great with your "ambitions"! 91% is amazing!


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