
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 12 of 2018: Stitching and De-Stashing

It's been a busy week.  The Scientist in Training has been home on spring break, so we've been able to enjoy her company for the week.  We took a quick trip to Dallas, TX last week to visit with family, take in a few museums and get in a bit of shopping.  She heads back to school today, but will be home next weekend for Easter.  Still I'm a bit sad to see her go, so sewing is definitely on the agenda for this afternoon as I'll need the distraction.  Speaking of stitching time, it's time to assess how the week went on that front. 

This week looks pretty good on the stitching front. 

Days with stitching this week:  7 out of 7 days
Days with stitching this month:  20 out of 24 days
Days with stitching this year:  76 out of 83 days
Success rate:  91.6%

You can link up below to share how you did on finding time to stitch a bit this week.  

I took some hand work with me on our trip to Texas and made it a point to work on that first thing each morning.  So there was a bit of progress on that project, but that didn't help much with the stash report numbers. 

Fabric used this week:  0.40 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  15.57 yards
Fabric purchased in 2018:  0 yards
Net fabric out for 2018:  15.57 yards

I'm doing really well on deleting those fabric shop sale adds, the no fabric in is really helping the stash numbers this year.  Which is good as the fabric out rate is pretty small.  March has just been such a busy month, things should slow down in April. Hopefully that means both the stitching time and the fabric out rate will ramp up a bit.  Linking up with QuiltPaintCreate for the weekly stash report.  

One thing we did during our trip to Texas was visit a tulip farm.  We picked a few, but the real reason we went was for the photography.  

These orange tulips were the SITs favorite.  They definitely glowed in the sunlight, my picture doesn't really do them justice.  

I hope you had a great week of stitching.  You can link up below to share how your week went on that front. 

1. Julie in GA
2. maggie f
3. Meloney
4. Melissa G
5. MartiDIY
6. di
7. Shasta
8. michele
9. Susanne
10. dreamworthy quilts
11. Christina's Handicrafts

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  1. Beautiful picture. It really helps to have a set time each day to do handwork.

  2. Beautiful tulips. Our tulip festival is going on back home too. Hoping they’re still blooming when we get home in a couple of weeks. You’re doing really well with your sewing days. 91% is an “A”!

  3. Looks like your March has been busy like mine. Very little out for me and too much in! Here’s to a better April.

  4. You did well with both reports. Congratulations! Where was the tulip farm? I didn't know there were any around here.

  5. Very smart to get off those fabric store mailing lists. I had to wean myself off a while tempting to take advantage of the sales! And yet, my stash is already full. Hmm.

  6. Tulips are my husband's favorite flower.

  7. Sounds like a fun week, and love those orange tulips! Glad you had some family and vacation time and good call to do the stitching first thing...mine usually waits until the end of the day and then I am too tired!

  8. Good job taking some sewing on your trip. Every 15 minutes really does add up to getting a lot done over time.


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