
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Stash Stuff for Week 51 of 2017

Merry Christmas Eve!  For those who celebrate Christmas, I hope all your holiday preparations are mostly done.  Our family celebration is this evening, so we'll be hanging out in the kitchen most of today, baking and cooking, talking and laughing.  For those who have other traditions and beliefs, wishing you much joy with your family and friends this week.

Even with all the family time and holiday prep this week, I still managed to find 15 minutes to stitch each day this last week.  But most days it was just 15 minutes.  So I don't have much to show for this week's stash report. 

Used last week:  0.31 yards
Used year to date:  56.91 yards

I've got at least one quilt back to piece next week, so I'm hoping that helps me break the 60 yards out mark for the year.  My stash busting goals didn't go so hot this last year.  Hopefully your stash management goals went more smoothly than mine did.  If not, we all get the chance to start over for 2018. 

In the spirit of the holiday, I've been trying to photograph some of my favorite ornaments when they are on the tree.  Both my mother and my sister were managers of Hallmark stores for many years.  So I've got quite the collection of ornaments. This one is one of the early ones from Mom. 

I don't remember the year on this one, but it's from the late 1980's.  It always reminds me of my mother's sugar cookies, which are legendary in the family.  Looking forward to making more memories this holiday (and eating more than a few of those sugar cookies!).   

Linking up with Quiltpaintcreate (if she has a linky party this week).  


  1. Merry Christmas, Kate! How wonderful that you are ready so you can enjoy the time you spend with your family and eating sugar cookies! That ornament is so cute.

  2. Merry Christmas Kate! Enjoy your holiday time with family, and squeeze in some quilting when you have the chance.

  3. Merry Christmas, Kate! What an adorable ornament! Have a wonderful day with your family!

  4. What a delightful ornament--and I noticed that the tiny gingerbreads on the tray are lady ones--mostly everything is just the men ones!!!! and now special that your Mom gave it to you. Do you give your daughter a special ornament each year??

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kate! Very cute ornament :)

  6. What a great heirloom ornament. Merry Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas Kate! Hope you enjoy the time with family.

  8. Your usage for 2017 is good. We will have this week to go. What a cute ornament! I have a couple of the Hallmark ornament, but have never seen one like that. Hope you have a Happy New Year.


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