
Monday, October 30, 2017

Weekend Stitching: October One Monthly Goal Progress

It was a quiet weekend.  It looked so pretty outside, but the wind and the cold made it great sewing room weather.  I took full advantage of that fact and played most of the weekend. The plan was to make some significant progress on October's One Monthly Goal

The plan for October was to finish piecing the last En Provence block and then get all those blocks and sashing strips into a finished flimsy.  That was a lot more challenging than I anticipated.  There are lots of seams that have to be matched up.  It wasn't so bad sewing the blocks and sashing pieces together into rows.  But pinning the rows together before stitching took forever it seemed.  I can claim victory on getting all the blocks and sashing pieces sewn together into a top.  

En Provence, A Bonnie Hunter Mystery (2016)

The side borders are ready to stitch on, the top and bottom borders have been started.  So I didn't quite make the goal this month.  But there was significant progress.  En Provence probably won't be done before this year's mystery comes out, but I'm hoping to get it to the point that it's ready to go out for quilting by that time.  

Now to decide what's the goal for November.  Linking up with:

October One Monthly Goal Finish Up
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Monday Design Wall


  1. Great progress, even though you didn't quite make your goal. I would still consider the month a success!

  2. Your quilt top looks spectacular. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. It's really pretty! Great progress!

  4. This is so beautiful! I love the checkerboard border and can't wait to see the finished top!

  5. You made great progress! I know how hard all that was!

  6. It can be challenging matching up seams! But once it's finished you can claim a defeat! Beautiful finish!

  7. Hi Kate,
    WOW - I don't know how this could be a fail at all - significant progress was definitely made. This looks fabulous. Oh man, all those seams matching up . . . congrats. I cannot wait to see it completely quilted. You have to be very proud. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I love your En Provence with the blues. It's going to be one gorgeous quilt.

  9. Looks wonderful! Congrats on your progress! Matching seams can be so difficult sometimes!

  10. So pretty. I can see the subtle color variations in the border. Matching seams can be a beast. I am sure you can conquer the beast.

  11. This looks like a quilt that is worth taking your time on, to get all those seams matched up! It's really going to beautiful!

  12. It's going to be so beautiful when it's all finished. Progress is progress, you are doing great!

  13. You made really great progress!!

  14. It's just breathtaking Kate, so in love with your colours.

  15. It is beautiful and so much work with all that piecing, so you really did achieve a lot. All the best for the next step.

  16. Love your En Provence! It's stunning. You're almost there.

  17. What pretty colors you chose - the quilt is looking great!


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