
Monday, July 17, 2017

Weekend Stitching: Back in the Sewing Room

With a little help from Drama Teen, vacation laundry got done and put away early on Sunday, leaving me the rest of the day to play in the sewing room.  The fabric closet got a little attention, it still needs a lot more.  The last Meadow Mist Mystery quilt is almost bound, there's about 30 inches left to stitch down.  So there should be a finish by the end of the week.  

Most of the visible progress is on the Christmas Angels Blocks.


Four of the fifteen blocks are finished, with the remaining eleven in various stage of construction.  Before we left for vacation, I couldn't resist adding in the alternate blocks and checking out the layout. 

There's not enough done on the angel blocks to see the secondary pattern in this photo, but I'm happy with how it's coming together.  It would be nice to get this UFO to the finished flimsy stage by the end of the month.  Not sure that will happen as I've got a business trip the last week of the month. Even if it's not completely done, it's nice to get one of the older UFOs this far.  

My UFO count is at 18, that's the highest it's been in 7 years.  In 2012 my UFO list only had 4 quilts on it.  I've done pretty well at finishing most of the quilts I've started the last couple of years, it's the ones that I started in 2013 that are really lingering on the list. Eight of the 18 were started in 2013.   The plan is to finish 7 UFOs this year.  Doubt I get that many to the finish line, but at least I'm making progress.     

Linking up with:
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Design Wall Monday


  1. Hi Kate,
    I think you have made great strides in this project since the last time I saw an update. I think the angels are just lovely. It sure give the project a different spin adding the alternate blocks. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I clicked on the "Christmas Angels" label to see the history of this project. I really like the design! Hope you can get this one completed -- four years in the making is long enough!

  3. I don't even know how many UFO's I actually have. I think I would be too overwhelmed to try and figure it out! I am trying not to start as many as I used to in order to not add to the pile!
    The angels are lovely and will be a gorgeous quilt!

  4. This is going to be so pretty! I love the alternating star blocks. You know I have a huge UFO/WIP list, so I understand!

  5. That is so pretty! I don't think I've ever seen it before...don't know how I've missed it. I've missed several days in the sewing room too. Think I'll get back in there today.

  6. Very pretty! I have a couple of Christmas quilts and love to have them out. Good work on the UFO list!

  7. Oh my gosh, I would be scared to count my UFO's! LOL Of course, the first step to getting better is admitting there's a problem so I can't finish the UFO's if I don't know what/how many there are, right? (Boy, that was a long sentence!) I always admire how much you get accomplished Kate. You keep me inspired!

  8. I wish my UFO's were only 18. I've been whittling away on them but I don't see a whole lot of progress. Your angel quilt is making great progress.

  9. Your angels are looking great!
    Congrats on getting through so many UFOs. I seem to have stalled on mine and just keep starting new projects.

  10. Whoot Whoot! Yay for the laundry help! those blocks are gorgeous! I love the way you are setting them

  11. Love the setting on this quilt. Beautiful work. Wish I only had 18 UFOs....and then I create more:-(

  12. It is going to be beautiful, love it with those alternative blocks. I'm aiming to reduce my UFOs by three this year. But next year when I leave work? Who knows what I will achieve, fingers crossed.

  13. So dramatic a quilt! Something about red and black...

  14. 18 doesn't sound like much - you need to start a few more:)

  15. I really like your angel blocks and the alternates - look forward to seeing them come together. Good luck on the UFOs - my goal is to finish up 8 this year and I think I've done 2 so far - gives me lots to work on the second half of the year!

  16. Seems I'm always working on UFO's. Think I have seven or eight. Sorry to say, it stresses me to have that many.
    beautiful quilt in progress.


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