
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

2017 Finish Along: What's Next for Third Quarter?

How can it be July already?  Our 4th of July was pretty low key and relaxed.  It's the first day in a few weeks that we've just took it easy and enjoyed the day with family.  Unfortunately, the rest of this week and most of next week will be busy.  I've not had a lot of time to spend on the home computer. I'm still massively behind on answering emails and blog reading.  Posting hasn't happened much either, which is OK, things are so busy there isn't much to post about.  Doesn't look like I'll catch up anytime soon. Between family plans and work, it's going to be hectic till August rolls around. Please don't give up on me.  I'll be back (imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent here) eventually!  

Even though things are a bit hectic, I still want to participate in the 2017 Finish Along for the third quarter

All the quilts from the first quarter list got finished, but only two of the four from the second quarter list made it to completion.  One only needs the binding sewn down, so the Meadow Mist Mystery is pretty much a done deal anyway. 

 Meadow Mist Designs Mystery
By Cheryl Brickey of the Meadow Mist Designs Blog
The other unfinished project from second quarter, Blooms and Butterflies, has been sent off to Trudy for quilting.  It should be back ready for labeling and binding before the end of July.  So that one should be another easy finish. 

Blooms and Butterflies
Bloom block by Lea Brummett, setting by Kate

Those two are easy finishes.  What else should go on the list for third quarter?   The June UFO project was Christmas Angels. Surprisingly, I've made a good amount of progress on it.  So rather than sticking it back in it's project box, it will stay in the project rotation.  Not sure if it will get done this quarter or not, but it can't hurt to leave it on the list since I'm going to be working on it anyway.  

Christmas Angels
Pattern by Kate

The July UFO selected by Patchwork Times is #12 on my 2017 Quilt Plan.  That's the scrappy coffee cups from the 2012 Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 Scrappy Coffee Cups
Block patterns from Karen F. Srebro and Janet McCarroll
publised in Block Magic and Block Magic Too by
Nancy Johnson-Srebro

I don't even have a setting plan for this one.  It's not likely to get finished, but I do hope to make progress on it this quarter.  At work they always tell us to put at least one stretch goal on our plans, sometimes it pays off.  So I'll add it here.  I could use some extra inspiration on getting this one to the finish line.  

So that's my list for the Third Quarter 2017 Finish Along.  Linking up over at Cut and Alter.  Good luck with your list for third quarter.


  1. These are all great (and reasonable!) goals! I love your coffee cup quilt and I might have to stash that as an idea for a future RSC project.

  2. The coffee cups are a great scrap buster. I hope you find time to finish it soon.

  3. These are great goals, and I wish you the best with them. Those coffee cups are so cute!

  4. You always do so well with your quarterly goals. With getting Drama Teen off to college this quarter is going to be busy. Your blooms and butterflies is beautiful.

  5. Lovely projects! Good luck on your goals!

  6. You shouldn't beat yourself up about the goals you didn't reach, I've seen all the other stuff you did you didn't include! You have a nice mix here, I have to agree with the others about the scrappy coffee cups quilt as being my favourite. Good Luck with your goals.

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