
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Still Playing with Green

Why do short work weeks feel so much more hectic than a regular work week?  I was so glad to get to Friday afternoon this week, even though we'll have a busy weekend too.  We are waiting on a part for the washer, so I'll be hitting the laundromat this morning.  Drama Teen's friends from Florida have been here this week.  They fly home tomorrow, so that means an o'dark thirty (as they describe it) trip to the airport tomorrow morning.  

My stitching time this week has been a bit limited as we've actually cooked dinner most nights this week.  But I did manage to finish up all the large green fan blocks for May.

I'm still working on the 4 small fan blocks from last month.  But I'm hoping to get those done this weekend.  For June, the plan is to make 6 fan blocks plus 6 half fan blocks in yellow.  Not sure yet how I'm going to pull off the half fan blocks, but I've got some thoughts about how to construct those.  

That's it for me this week. Linking up with Soscrappy for this week's Rainbow Scrap Challenge and with Oh Scrap over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework


  1. Pretty green. I'll be watching to see how you do those half fans.

  2. Those blocks are so amazing, Kate! Really pretty in green!

  3. So pretty in green! Looking forward to yellow fans.

  4. The green fan blocks are so striking against the black. Waiting to see those half fan blocks in yellow.

  5. Your blocks are all so beautiful. I am still anxiously waiting until the end of this year to see what you do with them.

  6. What a terrific block! It's amazing how the greens just glow.

  7. I'm impressed you got any sewing at all done, what with work and houseguests all week! Those green blocks jump off the screen, they are so vibrant against the black. Very pretty!

  8. Entertaining guests is hard work! SEW glad to see that you were able to finish up you large GREEN Fan blocks for the RSC. Awesome selection of prints!!

  9. Would you please share your pattern for this block ? I have some brown Batiks that I and to try this with. Thank you.

  10. Nice fans! I'm amazed you got them done with visiting teenagers in the house *and* a broken washer. That's true dedication! :)

  11. Yellow is going to be great for these blocks!

  12. Love those greens! The yellow will look great with the dark background too.

  13. I can't wait to see how these blocks are going to come together. They are each so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Your fan blocks look fabulous!

  15. I feel like I am standing in a rainforest looking up through the canopy. Nice work.

  16. I love your fan blocks. The greens are gorgeous! I hope this week settles down for you.

  17. Kudos on getting your green fans made. Sounds like it's been a busy time!

  18. Wow! They are stunning. I have some catching up to do too I think I need to catch up February till now. I am feeling the call to get back into it at the moment so maybe I will have a good run for a bit ;0)


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