
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Stash Report - Week 7 of 2017

Thankfully it's been a slow and relaxing weekend. Drama Teen is just about back to normal after having a very nasty stomach bug last week.  We spent part of yesterday disinfecting the doorknobs and other surfaces that DT might have contacted, changed out all the towels and asked her to wash her own bedding (I'm pretty sure that's how I caught the last round, by handling all the contaminated laundry).  Neither My Guy or I can afford to get that sick. We both have lots of stuff going on next week, followed by a family wedding over the weekend.  

In spite of my nursing duties the latter part of the week, I did well on meeting my commitment to stitch for at least 15 minutes each day.  So for the year, I have a 100% success rate on that.  Which is better than I've done with the stash report this year.  At least there's nothing coming in this week and a little bit out.  

Used this week: 0.59 yards
Used year to date: 13.21 yards
Added year to date: 59.05 yards
Net stashed: 45.74 yards

The main focus has been on getting Geometry into a finished flimsy and since I counted the fabric in the blocks as I made them, there's just not much else going out.  

Trudy sent Bejeweled back beautifully quilted.  So now it's time to get it bound, but it first needs a label.  I've been struggling a bit with coming up with a theme for this one.  This is what I've gotten so far.

It's a pretty label, but I'm not sure it goes with the quilt and it's not at all right for the intended recipient. I'm thinking it needs jewels of some type.  Hmm, definitely need to go back to the drawing board on this one.  

Linking up with Patchwork Times for this week's stash report.  


  1. The label is very pretty, but if you want it to match the quilt more why don't you replace the flowers with some diamond shapes. It could just be some simple squares on point.

  2. Hope the sickie stays un-sick for many months! Good idea to disinfect. The label is pretty but I'm sure you'll come up with something that suits your desire.

  3. oh, I really would like to know how you make your labels. here's hoping your killed the germs before they got to you

  4. A very pretty label and changing the roses to faceted diamonds or rings might do the trick. How did you make that label? It's beautiful.

  5. I'm also curious about your label-making process!
    Much as I love roses, 'Bejeweled' makes me think of twinkly gems...


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