
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Swimming Along with Aqua

We were all ready for an early weekend.  Drama Teen missed school Monday, a respiratory virus according to the doctor.  DT felt well enough to go to school on Tuesday.  By Tuesday night she's got muscle aches, a headache, and a very upset stomach.  The stomach bug was bad, she wasn't able to keep even water down on Wednesday and much of Thursday.  Thankfully she was able to manage jello and a bit of Sprite by Friday morning and actually ate a light dinner Friday night.  My hands are raw from all the hand washing the last few days, I definitely do not want to catch that bug.  I'm hoping this is it for illnesses this winter. 

In spite of my nursing duties this week, I did get some Rainbow Scrap Challenge sewing accomplished.  I finally got smart and cut a bunch of the black strips for the fan blocks, so all I have to cut to start a new block is the colored strips. That helped move two of the large aqua blocks to the finished list. 

The large purple fans from last month also got finished up.  

I like the starburst effect when the blocks are laid out this way.  The dark center with the two lighter strips on the sides was a deliberate choice.  Unfortunately, with the limited palette for the aqua fabrics, it's not going to be as obvious.  

Linking up with Angela over at Soscrappy for this week's Rainbow Scrap Challenge and with Oh Scrap over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.  


  1. Your fan blocks are beautiful--can't wait to see what your plans are for them.
    Hope DT is feeling better and that no one else gets sick.

  2. Wow! Beautiful blocks! Hope you stay well, dear.

  3. That starburst effect is just gorgeous, Kate! Your blocks will make a really interesting quilt. Hope you are all through with the "sick season!"

  4. I hope your daughter feels better soon. It sounds like a very nasty virus. And that you avoid getting it. The starbursts are lovely.

  5. Hope your daughter feels better. We've all been down with the flu so I know how you feel.
    I love the blocks. I'm a huge fan of bright colours against black.

  6. Seems we float from one bug to another this winter - hope everyone is well soon. Love these blocks and once all the colors popped by the black - going to be stunning.

  7. Love all that bright color with the black--nice and refreshing after seeing sooo much white backgrounds and fill in lately-
    Glad DT is better--
    enjoy the moments, di

  8. Love how these blocks are looking! Hope DT is feeling better and that no one else in the house catches that bug.

  9. The effect is stunning when they come together!

  10. I just love looking at those fans. There is just something outstanding about them. Really nice work.

  11. Your fan blocks are so striking...just beautiful. Here's to no bad germs getting you down!

  12. I'm looking forward to seeing these blocks all together with all the colors at the end of the year. The colors just sparkle against that dark background!
    Hope everyone is feeling better!

  13. Happy to hear that you got some sewing time this week AND that DT is feeling better!! That bug has been fairly bad in our area, as well. No fun!!

  14. Loving your fans. I agree with Gayle, the black makes your colors sparkle.

  15. Wow - very striking! This will be a dazzling quilt :)

  16. These fan blocks are beautiful - so dramatic.

  17. These are going to be stunning Kate. The black was a great choice to pop all those colors. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  18. The Aqua fan blocks looks like sunrays! So pretty!

  19. I love these blocks and I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  20. I do love precutting wherever possible. Well done! I'm so sorry about all the illness.

  21. I'm so sorry your daughter it sick. That poor thing. Hope you stay well. That really is smart, getting the black strips cut ahead of time. I probably would not have thought of it until we got down to the last color! Your blocks are great.

  22. These blocks look awesome! I think this quilt is going to turn out very striking.

  23. I love the starburst pattern these have! It's going to be a beautiful quilt!


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