
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Stash Report: First Week of 2017

The end of our holiday season is today. It's Drama Teen's birthday. No parties today, that was yesterday.  She made it easy on me.  She decided on lunch with her friends and then a movie.  This is one of those significant birthdays, she turns 18 today.  You think they'll never grow up and then one day they just are.  

Happy birthday Kiddo.  We're really proud of her.  It's nice when you realize you'd like your kid even if they weren't your kid. 

Thanks for letting me get the proud mamma stuff off my chest.  Moving on to the quilt related content.  It's the first stash report of the 2017. I didn't start the year off with great guns, but at least there is nothing in so far.  

Net used year to date:  0.75 yards
Net added year to date:  0 yards

It's been a good week for finding the time to stitch.  I managed at least 15 minutes in the sewing room every day this week.  So I'm at least starting the year off with 100% attendance.  We'll see how long that lasts.  I managed to find time every day in January last year.  

Linking up with Patchwork Times.  


  1. You made a good start to the year.
    Happy birthday to your girl!

  2. I am so glad I have a daughter, even though she lives on the other side of the country, we are still close with technology. The leaving part was hard though.

  3. Happy Birthday DT.
    AT least you have something to account for.

  4. Happy Birthday to a lovely young woman.

  5. Well done on the stash and the 15 minutes! And a very Happy Birthday to DT! I hope she enjoys her day. She and Ellie are almost birthday buddies! :)

  6. 18? 18?!?! I feel like I started reading your blog when she was the Dude's age! Happy birthday to her!

  7. Happy birthday to DT! Well done on stash busting and time management.

  8. Happy birthday to your daughter! You have ever reason to be proud. You're off to a great start for the new year!

  9. Happy Birthday - and that is awesome - you'd like her even if she wasn't yours!! I LOVE that!

  10. How wonderful your comments about your daughter. My mom and I have a great relationship and I am working to make mine with my daughter the same. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  11. What a beautiful daughter you have. Happy Birthday to her. You are starting the year off with positive numbers, so it's all good.

  12. Congratulations! 18?! Wow. I know the years just fly by. My oldest is 12 - and it seems like I only just brought her home from the hospital.... I'm with you as far as creating from stash. I tried in 2016 too, and did ok. But.....there's fabric for soooo many quilts in the stash!! Good luck 😊


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