
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 48: Slow Stitching and Stash Busting

We had a wonderful holiday with the family, but I'm glad to be back home.  I've got the day to get a bit of laundry done, plus make a start on the Bonnie Hunter mystery.  The fabrics are picked out, but that's as far as I've gotten as yet.  I'd also like to finish stitching the binding on the Zombie quilt.

You can't tell from this picture, but the last corner is only 5 inches away, then there is just one long side left to stitch.  That should be doable this afternoon.  Even with the holiday prep, I was able to sneak in 15 minutes of hand stitching time every day last week. That brings the total sewing days for 2016 to 263.  

Since most of the week was hand work, there's not much going on with the stash report. 

Used last week:  0.23 yards
Used year to date:  57.98 yards
Added year to date:  69.02 yards
Net added year to date: 11.04 yards

I'm slowly gaining ground on being back in the black.  Hopefully between the Bonnie Hunter Mystery and Bejeweled, I'll move a little closer to break even for the year. 

Hope you have time for some slow stitching today.  Linking up with Kathy's Quilts.  


  1. Hope you are able to finish your binding today. I am going to do Bonnie's mystery too but have not started it yet.

  2. I am tempted by Bonnie....but I think I will pass this year and just watch everyone else's from afar!

  3. Oh, so close to a finish. I'm on the fence with the BH mystery - have a lot of finshes to do myself.

  4. I love the binding part because it means a successful finish is imminent!

  5. I always love getting home. Enjoy your day.

  6. Congrats! on your nearly completed quilt (and being one step ahead of me on the BH Mystery.) Today's Slow Stitching is of the knit variety at my house. Too bad I don't have a binding to stitch!!

  7. Enjoy your stitching and fabric prep.

  8. Yummmy purple binding and purple thread... enjoy your stitching!

  9. It is amazing what we can get done a bit at a time!! Congrats on your persistence.


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