
Monday, September 26, 2016

September One Monthly Goal: A Successful Start on a Let's Book It Project

Just a few days and the end of September will be here.  Hard to believe that it's almost the start of the last fourth of the year.  Since it's the end of the month, it's time to contemplate success or failure with this month's One Monthly Goal.  The end of the month link up is up over at Heidi's Red Letter Quilts

I started struggling with shoulder problems the end of August, so in picking a goal for September the thought was to go for something pretty easy since sewing time might well be non-existent if the shoulder didn't get better.  Unfortunately, that turned out to be truer than I had hoped.  Not much stitching got done early in the month. 

My goal was to get started on the next graduation quilt, Bejeweled. 

Bejeweled by Susan Guzman in "All About Strips"

I mark the start of a quilt as the date the fabric starts being cut for the project.  So this month's goal was just to get started on cutting out a few of the pieces.  I met that goal and even made some progress on getting a few of the initial blocks sewn. 

 I need 36 of these  Economy Blocks for the quilt.  Only 12 more to finish.  So that's a good start considering how little sewing time I've had this month. 

Bejeweled is also doubling as my new Let's Book It project.  The project is from Susan Guzman's book "All About Strips".

I'll be linking up with Sharon at Vroomans Quilts once she has this month's linky party up.


  1. Pretty fabrics. It's going to be a gorgeosu quilt.

  2. This will be so pretty, I can't wait to see it completed!
    Good luck with your shoulder!!

  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery. That is going to be one gorgeous quilt when finished.

  4. Kate you are making wayyyy much more progress than me lately! (And I don't have an excuse!) I'm inspired by your goal setting and graduation projects. :)

  5. This is going to be beautiful! Congrats on meeting your goal and even exceeding on where you wanted to be for the month.

  6. You've made a great start to your new project! I love starting new projects.

  7. Baby steps, baby steps - they lead the way. Lovely start to a nice pattern. I will have to check out that book - would be great to have in the home library for the gals who come here to sew.

  8. So sorry about your shoulder. I hope it heals soon. It was a good choice to go with something not too strenuous for your OMG this month. Congrats on meeting your goal. This quilt looks like it will be very beautiful.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  9. What a fun quilt. I love your aqua and white start!

  10. Great start on what looks like another awesome quilt. I hope you are getting help with your shoulder problem & feeling relief?


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