
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Still Playing with Shades of Gray

It's been a frustrating week, the shoulder pain came back on Monday, so there's been no sewing since the weekend and almost no computer time.   The shoulder is better now, so I'm hoping to get some sewing in this weekend.  But I'll still be limiting computer time, that seems to be the trigger.  I'm way behind on answering emails and reading blogs.  I'm going to concentrate on answering emails and then catch up on reading blogs, but I'll probably be pretty stingy with comments.  Typing on the computer seems to be the biggest trigger.  Hopefully the doctor can offer some alternatives, there's probably some physical therapy looming in my future.  

Not being in the sewing room has hampered progress on the Vintage Dresses.  I'm still working with last month's grays.  One of the gray dresses was finally finished last weekend. 

It's not as bright as the others, but I still like it.  The light gray in the dress isn't my original pick, that fabric didn't have much contrast with the white, so I went back and found this that was just a couple of shads darker.  The second gray dress is still in pieces.  It will be a lot darker.  As far as this month's color of garnet, I hope to get some fabrics picked for those dresses this weekend.  

That's it for me this week.  Linking up with:

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Oh Scrap  


  1. Another lovely dress for the collection!
    Hope your shoulder feels better real soon so you can sew and type as much as you want!

  2. Oh, so sorry to hear you're experiencing the shoulder pain again! That must be so frustrating for you. Your gray dress is beautiful! It will definitely be quite a contrast against the brighter ones you've made, but I'm noticing that I like that contrast in my own RSC blocks. Hope you have a better week, pain-wise.

  3. Your grey dress is very pretty and will be a lovely accent to the bright colors you have already finished.
    I hope your shoulder is feeling better soon!

  4. The dress is beautiful! I'm so sorry your shoulder is causing such problems.

  5. I hope your shoulder is better soon. I'm a big believer in physical therapy; it worked wonders for my husband's back problems and my hand problems back in '06, but it does take awhile to be effective.
    The grey dress is lovely and will be a nice contrast with your brighter ones.

  6. No fun when you ache. Love the dresses whatever the colour..

  7. It's always so much fun to see your vintage dresses. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. oh yes, I like it a lot. All your dresses. LeeAnna

  9. I have that gray fabric! Sorry you're still have trouble with the shoulder. I'm going to start Classical Stretch (Esmonde-White) exercises to fix some of my aches and pains.

  10. Cute, cute, cute! I can't wait to see what you do with all these pretties!!
    Hope you have a better week coming up. Take care.

  11. I have PT exercises that work wonders on my aches and pains. Computers and sewing are not always good for our posture. Thanks for sharing your swirly dress with Oh Scrap!

  12. I love all these dresses, the grey one included!

  13. I love your dresses. Sorry you are having setbacks to your sewing. Hope you get to feeling better. I am anxious to see all of your dresses together!


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