
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Stash Report: Week 34 of 2016

It's been a busy few weeks and my sanity needed a marathon sewing fix.  Thankfully, that need was met yesterday.  I got a whole day to do nothing but stitch.  I'm feeling much better, well at least I was until the first load of laundry this morning.  There are plans to stitch this afternoon, so I should get my good mood back before the day is done.

Both Poinsettias and the Zombie quilt are at the add borders stage.  Next to backings, that's one of the fastest ways to use yardage. The two narrow borders have been added to Poinsettias, that's most of what went out this week.  

Used last week:  0.51 yards
Used year to date:  37.30 yards
Added year to date:  32.75 yards
Net used in 2016:  4.55 yards

The widest borders will probably get added this week to both Poinsettias and Zombies, so that should make for a good week next week.  Then come the backings for both.  That will really help with the stash numbers.  You can see more stash reports over at Patchwork Times.  

I've also been keeping up with how many days at least 15 minutes of sewing happens. The more of those 15 minute session, the more likely it will end up being a hour session, so the more that gets done each week.  

Days with 15 minutes of stitching time this week:  5 out of 7 days
Days in August:  16 out of 20 days
Days in 2016:  183 out of 233

I've been told it's easier to focus on a goal if you have a good measure of your progress.  This one works for me.  

We've had gorgeous weather in Oklahoma the last week, much color temps than typical.  I took advantage of the lovely weather and wandered out with my camera.  I'll close today with some end of summer images.

The Zinnias are at their peak

The bees are gathering the last of  their summer harvest

The Monarch Butterflies means that autumn is not far off

Have a great week!


  1. Your pictures make me smile! You are in the black so now you can enhance your stash. Have a great week.

  2. These are gorgeous pictures. A great showcase of summer.

  3. Fantastic shot of the bee with pollen! We're finally getting cooler here, too. Hope to get back to walking in the morning.

  4. Beautiful zinnia. I love zinnias. One year I was successful growing row upon row in my garden. Generally, something like that happens only once.

  5. Great shots of the bee filled with pollen. Your stash numbers are still going in the right direction too.


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