
Monday, May 23, 2016

Weekend Stitching - A Border Shy

It was a nice relaxing weekend. Some housework got done and the laundry was tamed a bit.  But the best part was the time spent in the sewing room.  Progress was made on several projects.  Unfortunately,  the seam ripper made a few appearances over the course of the weekend.  So there wasn't as much progress as there could of been. I had hoped to have Allietare to the finished flimsy stage, but stopped a couple of borders shy.  I always underestimate how long it takes to add borders.  

 Allietare,  Bonnie Hunter's 2015 Mystery Quilt

My border choices were a little limited, there wasn't enough of the red left for the narrow border and not enough of the dark blue for the outer border.  I had planned at the beginning to use the black as the border, but scratched that idea once the top was all assembled. All that's left is the top and bottom border.  I should get those added this week.  

Linking up with 
Main Crush Monday over at Cooking Up Quilts
Monday Making over at Love Laugh Quilt
Design Wall Monday over at Patchwork Times


  1. It has been so much fun to watch this quilt come together, and it is gorgeous! Great selection of fabrics.

  2. Sewing borders is my least favourite job, so you are doing well to stick with it. It always does take longer than you think it will!

  3. I figure 30-45 minutes per border. It is tedious! Your quilt looks great, though.

  4. Looking good! I like the dark inner border with the blue outer border. It frames and contains the busy-ness of the center nicely, and lets the red in the blocks pop.

  5. The dark inner border with a lighter outer border is a nice effect. And you're *almost* done!

  6. I know what you mean about how long borders take! They are long seams and you have to be careful! Looking good.

  7. This is a really eye popping quilt. Love it! So perfect for 4th of July picnics or Memorial Day but really, after knowing how much time and effort goes into making something like that I don't think I could bear to put it on the ground!

  8. This is wonderful. You are so close to finishing it. Are you thinking of buying more fabric or just go with what your stash supplies? Two or three people at retreat were working on various versions of Allieatare. A half size and a full size one were completed. One gal brought 7 Bonnie UFOs. What a hoot.

  9. I saw an Allietare quilt at a quilt show recently. It was so interesting that the different color choices make it look like an entirely different quilt. I had to look twice to be sure what I was seeing! ;) You are SO CLOSE!!! Hang in there!


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