
Monday, May 30, 2016

May One Monthly Goal Progress

Happy Memorial Day if you live in the states.  It's been a nice, relaxing weekend here.  It's supposed to rain off and on here today, so it's a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time in my sewing room.  My Guy is hoping to fit in a bike ride sometime today between storms.  Not sure that is going to happen. 

I've been participating in the One Monthly Goal over at Red Letter Quilts since January of this year.  

Committing to just one goal each month has helped me make progress in some key areas, mainly in getting quilts done.  But this month my goal was to actually start a project.  Usually that's not a problem, but Drama Teen asked for 4 graduation quilts to be done by next May.  These are for her best buds and one teacher.  Which means I'm sewing for someone specifically.  I always struggle with projects that are for a specific person.  It's two fold, I want the right pattern and the right fabrics. It often takes me a while to come up with both.  This month's goal was to actually start on the blocks for the Zombies in Paris quilt.  That meant getting all the fabrics washed and prepped, finalizing the design and actually getting some blocks made.  

Here's the final pattern:

Zombies in Paris by Kate

And here's the first 6 blocks:

The solid hearts are a really deep purple.  For some reason that color is just hard to photograph in my sewing room.  So I've met my goal of getting a good start on this project.  This one should go pretty fast as the blocks are 12" finished.  The letters will take some time, but I've already got a start on those.  

I'm 5 for 5 on meeting my One Monthly Goals.  Many thanks to Heidi for hosting this challenge.  It's been a great motivator for me. 

Linking up with 
May OMG at Red Letter Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Main Crush Monday at Cooking up Quilts
Monday Design Wall at Patchwork Times


  1. This is gonna be neat. Love the pink Eiffel Towers.

  2. This looks like a fun quilt and a great start! I am visiting from Main Crush Monday.

  3. Purple is always a hard color to photograph indoors, I think! Good work on starting and making progress quickly.

  4. I love this quilt design - so not typically you, but definitely a teenaged girl. Always nice to have something with large blocks, too!

  5. Yay, Five for Five!! This is such a fun quilt to follow!

  6. I started to feel tired when you mentioned making 4 quilts in a year, and then more tired as I read about choosing and pulling fabric, preparing it, etc. I know we all do this when we begin a quilt but it usually takes me a week or two -- longer than the time it took to read that paragraph!

    Your quilts will be beautiful when they are finished. It seems like a great block and design for the younger set. I'm sure the girls will love them.

    Congratulations on your success this month, and also for five months in a row. One Monthly Goal has been a great incentive for me, too.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  7. Great quilt design, You have chosen some beautiful rich fabrics too, looks like a winner to me.

  8. Congrats on achieving your goal every month!
    You have made a great start on the Zombies quilt.

  9. 5 of 5 good job!!! This one is looking good...I especially look at it totally different after last weeks EQ links. :)

  10. It does make a difference when the quilt is for a specific person; I always feel a bit of extra pressure. You've made a lot of progress on this 'first of four' quilt. Congrats on starting your new project!

  11. I congratulate you on making your goal! YEA! and 5 for 5 is even better. Zombie is coming along very well. So nice the Drama Teen to ask you with a year to do it. When my teen was graduating she had already taken up quilting and made quilts for her friends. Although, I probably bought the fabric.

  12. What a fun quilt, I love the zombie text.


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