
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Stash Management: Week 17 of 2016

It's been a beautiful weekend.  Lots of sun and mild temperatures.  Spring doesn't last long in Oklahoma, but it's certainly wonderful while it's here.  My Guy and I were off work on Friday.  We grabbed the cameras and went looking for some wildflowers.  It's a bit early for the real showy displays, but we found a few blooming lovelies scattered here and there.


Purple Paintbrush

Wild Indigo

After our photo excursion, I was able to sew most of Friday, as well as most of Saturday afternoon.  So there's a little bit going out. 

Used last week: 1.33 yards
Used in April:  6.72 yards
Used year to date:  23.9  yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased year to date:  17.75 yards
Net used for 2016: 6.15 yards

Getting in the sewing room even just a bit each day helps so much with getting things done, so I strive to spend at least 15 minutes of every day in the sewing room.  It was a pretty good week on that front.  

Days with 15 minutes of stitching time this week: 6 days
Days in April:  17 days out of 23
Days this year:  92 days out of 114 

So a pretty good week on multiple fronts.  Hope yours was a good one too.  Linking up with Patchwork Times for this week's stash report.  


  1. I've never seen wild indigo. Looks like little orchids or baby iris.

  2. Wow...gorgeous flowers. Seems like things are looking up for the flowers in your part of the world.

  3. You're doing great!

    Our irises are just blooming, and I love being surprised each year by what appears.

  4. Congrats on your stash usage and your time in the sewing room. Your photos are lovely!


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