
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Stash Management for Week 16 of 2016

It's been cloudy and windy most of this week.  We're supposed to get 4 inches of rain between now and Monday night.  It's definitely spring in Oklahoma.  But the rain and the warmer temps have definitely worked their magic on the rose bushes. 

There's only two or 3 blooms open at the moment, but there are hundreds of buds just waiting to open.  By the end of the this week the bushes should be a riot of pink.  

Between income taxes and work, it was a hectic week. Thankfully taxes are done and submitted.  I finished off the last report for the big project at work Friday evening.  Both efforts cut into my sewing time this week.  Still I managed to get at into the sewing room most nights this week.  

Days with 15 minutes of stitching time this week:  6 days
Days in April:  11 out of 16
Days this year 86 out of 107

Most nights it was just 15 minutes of stitching, but that's enough to keep projects moving at a steady pace.  Even though things are moving along, I can only count the fabric from one Allietare block as out this week. 

Used last week:  0.15 yards
Used in April:  5.39 yards
Used year to date:  22.57
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased year to date:  17.75 yards
Net used for 2016:  4.82 yards

I'm hoping to get in some significant stitching time this afternoon so I can count the fabric Allietare blocks and a Vintage Dress block as outgoing for next week.  

There's more stash management going on over at Patchwork Times


  1. Sometimes life gets in the way of stitching! You are still going in the right direction with stash management.

  2. So good that your two big projects are finished and behind you. Every little bit of time is good in the sewing room. Next week will be even better, I'm sure. Have a good one. I'm going to Paducah mid-week, so I probably won't get much sewing done. Maybe knitting will be my portable project to take along.

  3. You're doing great! I'm relieved to be done with taxes too.


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