
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Stash Report - Week Four of 2016

Weekends always seem to just fly by.  We had stuff to do in the big city yesterday, so we weren't home for most of the day.  We had a nice lunch, plus Drama Teen and I had a nice chat about how things were going at school.  So it wasn't a wasted day, especially since I got to sew for most of the evening.  

There's been a lot of stitching going on this week. But not much to to show for it on the stash report.  

Used last week:  0.25 yards
Used in January:  2.10 yards
Used year to date:  2.10 yards
Purchased year to date:  0 yards
Net used for 2016:  2.10 yards

The back for the McCall's Mystery quilt should get done this week and that will provide a nice jump in the stash numbers.  I had to piece the back and it's taken longer than I thought it would (quilt math tripped me up a bit).  

As part of the effort to use more stash and finish more quilts in 2016, I've also been counting those days where more than 15 minutes gets spent in the sewing room.  The thought there is that more time in the sewing room equals more progress on projects.

This week:  7 out of 7 days
This month:  23 out of 23 days
This year:  23 out of 23 days

It may be tough to keep up the momentum this week.  I have a conference to attend the first three days of next week.  Though I'll be home each evening, it won't be till much later than normal.  

It's still pretty chilly in our part of the world, with not much sunshine this last week.  Though we've had it really easy compared to north and east of here.  I felt the need for something to remind me that spring will come before too much longer.  

The bright pop of color on the kitchen table is a nice reminder that in a few weeks they'll be blooming again.  

You find more stash reports over at Patchwork Times.  


  1. Love your new header. The dress looks pretty complicated. Love the middle picture, going to have to try making that block. Thanks for sharing

  2. Pretty tulip. One of my favorite flowers.

  3. I'm not sure why, but the tulips I tried to force this year were a big flop! They had some sort of fungus, I think. The daffodils did much better this year, and I have an amaryllis ready to bloom. Bulbs get me through the winter! I am ready for spring NOW!

  4. I see the paper pieced dress in your header--was thinking I had seen that on someone else's post--I did order that pattern and am in the process of getting the 1/4 inch seam allowance drawn around each piece so I can stitch the dresses--I am using the pattern size that printed off the computer--think it is the 6" size--is this the size of your dress or are you doing larger ones???
    thanks--love and laughter, di

  5. Love the new header (need one of those pillows)!! Tulips - how refreshing.

  6. Your header is very nice. I tried to change mine this year too as I had never tried since starting to blog. I was not too successful, but it is going to stay for a while until I learn how to manipulate the templates better. Your tulips do look springy and the colors are gorgeous. Hope you get a few minutes in the sewing room this week inspite of your conference.

  7. You are doing great both with your daily quilting and using stash. Keep up the wood work.


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