
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Stash Report - Week 2 of 2016

It's 9 F (-13 C) this morning.  Thankfully we have no place to go today and can stay in out of the cold.  It wasn't quite as cold yesterday when we ventured out for part 2 of Drama Teen's birthday celebration of lunch with friends followed by ice skating.  It had snowed in Tulsa overnight and the drive down was quite pretty.  

The photo looks like it was taken in black and white, but that's actually a color shot.  If it hadn't been for the snow, it would have looked quite dreary.  

My sewing time this week has been spent learning how to paper piece those Vintage Dress blocks.  I don't have one of those finished, so the fabric going out this week is just 3 Allietare blocks from Monday's design wall post

Used last week:  0.40 yards
Used in January:  0.68 yards
Used year to date:  0.68 yards
Purchased year to date:  0 yards
Net used for 2016:  0.68 yards

Still no fabric in for the year, so the fabric diet is holding for now.  Last year I didn't buy any fabric till July.  Since I've got a few  quilts to make this year, I'm not sure I'll last that long as I'm already fairly certain I need to find a medium purple for Zombies in Paris.  

This year I'm also tracking how many days I manage to make it to the sewing room for at least 15 minutes.  The more I'm in the sewing room, the better chance of having a reduction in the stash and the UFO pile.  It was a good week on that front too.

15 minute stitching days this week:  7 days
15 minute stitching days in January:  9 days
15 minute stitching days in 2016:  9 days

That's the summary of my stitching efforts this week.  How did yours go?  You can check out how other fabric diets are going over at Patchwork Times.  


  1. and I thought waking up to 22 degrees in Arkansas was cold this morning - no snow here - always love seeing snow photos - pretty

  2. Getting in the sewing room definitely helps the numbers. It's cold and snowing here too this morning. Trying to decide how bad I need a few things from the store.

  3. What a great idea to chart your progress on getting into the sewing room and sewing! You're right - the more trips you can make in there, the closer your projects will get to completed.

  4. I love looking at your picture. I make myself go into my studio each day if only to look and see what I need to do. Keep charting until it becomes second nature.

  5. Look at you go, with all that stitching this week! I know it feels good to be able to report that! Your snow is gorgeous...the temps, not so much, eh? We had a significant drop here overnight. Yesterday it was in the upper 50's and today it's not supposed to rise above freezing. Which is still a tad warmer than y'all, but we're *south* for goodness sake! LOL! Enjoy your day and Happy Birthday to DT! :)

  6. That is some snow storm, I live in northeaster BC Canada and we have yet to have a big one, just a bit of snow on the ground.

  7. That is some snow storm, I live in northeaster BC Canada and we have yet to have a big one, just a bit of snow on the ground.

  8. The photo is beautiful. I love snow pictures. Your temps were almost as low as here in MN. Those poor TV announcers sure made a big deal of the low temps during the Vikings football game.
    I can wait to see your Vintage Dress quilt done. The blocks are adorable.


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