
Monday, January 4, 2016

Holiday Vacation Stitching

A lot of last week was spent in deep cleaning mode.  The master bedroom is sparkling and there is now room in all the dresser drawers to add in all the socks and sleep clothes that was under the tree this year.  You can actually walk at least half way into the attic. That part of the house still needs more work, but at least now there is room to move.  That made it a lot easier to get all the Christmas decorations put away.  

There was some time devoted to stitching. Mainly in the evenings during the week, but I got in my typical afternoons during the weekend. The main focus was on finishing up some Allietare blocks for today's reveal linky over at Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville.  I finished 2 of each block over the weekend. 

Bonnie Hunter's 
2015 Mystery Quilt

I substituted blue for the red and gray, then added back the red in place of the gold.  I like how the blocks came out.   Just 4 blocks isn't really enough to show how this is going to look when it's all together.  Since the blocks are on point, I needed to do a mock up in EQ to determine how many blocks were needed to make a reduced size version that fit the QOV size requirements.  My quilt math isn't good enough to do that based on just block size. 

Bonnie Hunter's 
2015 Mystery Quilt
It looks very different than Bonnie's, moving the red fabric highlights another block pattern.  I like it.  

That's it from me this week.  I'm linking up over at Quiltville, Patchwork Times, and Love Laugh Quilt.  Unfortunately it's back to work for me today, so I won't get a chance to see many other versions of Allietare before I have to head in.  


  1. Your blocks are looking fabulous! I love the color combination. I am planning the same layout/quilt size as your EQ version.

  2. Great changes to the pattern. It will make a great QOV

  3. Your version is beautiful. I really like it.

  4. Love the colors! A quick way to calculate: a block on point is half again as large as the block; i.e., a 10" finished square will finish approximately 15" on point (1.414 rounded up to 1.5).

  5. I love the red, white and blue colors scheme. It will be a lovely quilt.

  6. I love it! You've made it look unique.

  7. Gorgeous colors for your mystery quilt, it will be beautiful.

  8. Lovely; these colours give a totally different effect.

  9. Love your crisp's going to be a beautiful quilt.

  10. Keep going.. it is going to be fantastic

  11. Gorgeous! It's interesting how much the pattern changed with the shift in color. Love it!

  12. Oh Kate -- are you sure you want to give this one away? It is going to be beautiful. I love the change in the look of the pattern based on color changes. Must pull up Bonnie's pic to really see how different it really looks. GORGEOUS!

  13. That is sooooo pretty. Your blocks look great together.

  14. I love your color changes. It would be a wonderful QOV. Thanks for the inspiration

  15. I like it too. That is going to be a spectacular quilt.

    1. Congratulations on your cleaning too. It makes such a difference in my attitude to have a clean and decluttered house.

  16. I love your color choices! Can't wait to see the finished Quilt!

  17. Wow! Your quilt is going to be gorgeous. I like the original colors, but your colors choices are stunning.

  18. beautiful! I must get back to mine and get off the computer!

  19. I love your color choices. Hmmm, I think I'll start another with your color choices, I have lots of scraps. Thank you for the inspiration! Wasn't this a fun quilt?

  20. I love your changes to the colors of this quilt. That will be a spectacular QOV quilt for some lucky veteran. Well done.

  21. I love the graphic, high-contrast design you get with your fabric choices. It will be a magnificent quilt.

  22. Kate, I totally love your layout. I do this so many times, adapting a pattern to suit the size I need. Sometimes, I will revise the pattern to minimize the waste and often to quicken the piecing process. Keep up the good work and thank you for the inspiration!!!

  23. I love those colors! (better than the yellow) I've been thinking I would replace the yellow with blue making it a patriotic quilt.

  24. Bonnie's patterns are always so gorgeous and your version is looking very pretty! It will make a wonderful quilt of valor.

  25. This will be stunning! It is inspiring to see the way this pattern changes with the color choices. Mary /


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