
Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekend Progress

There wasn't a lot of stitching going on this weekend due to the shoulder issue.  By Sunday evening it was feeling much better and I was able to get in a bit of time in the sewing room.  Just enough time to get border number two on Grand Illusion.

Grand Illusion, A Bonnie Hunter Mystery

The narrow teal border is kinda hard to see, but it's there.  The last border will be more of the green.  Hopefully by the end of next weekend Grand Illusion will be a finished flimsy.  I've got the backing fabric picked out.  It's already ironed, so I'll just have to cut and piece.  That probably won't happen till August, but the end is definitely in sight for this project.  

I'm a bit late for Design Wall Monday, but I'll link up anyway.  I'm also linking up with Main Crush Monday over at Cooking up Quilts and Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt.  


  1. Don't rush it, keep at it - it is so going be worth the wait for a finish.

  2. It's looking great. Each border brings out a different color... beautiful.

  3. The more you add to this quilt top, the more I love it. Each choice you've made is seemingly perfect.

  4. I agree with the others. Every time I see this I like it better. Lovely color choices, Kate. You're really pulling it together.

  5. Lovely balance with the teal border. Cant wait for the final one to go on.

  6. The teal adds a nice pop. Are you liking it any better, Kate?

  7. Slowly but surely wins the race, right? It's looking beautiful and you're almost there! Hope your shoulder feels better soon.

  8. It doesn't even look like the same quilt with the borders. I like the way the borders bring out the pink.


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