
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WIPs - Moving Right Along

It's a bit soggy here at Life in Pieces, inside and out unfortunately.  The upstairs  air conditioner condensate drainage line backed up on Sunday and resulted in a small leak over my bathroom vanity.  At first glance I was afraid we'd lost shingles in the strong storms that passed through Saturday night.  Having gone through the nightmare of trying to get a roof fixed after the high winds last Labor Day weekend, a plugged drain line is a bit easier to get fixed. 

It seems the longer days have spurred my sewing mojo and my sewing machine no longer sits alone in the evenings.  Sometimes I don't get much more than 15 minutes to play, but even just 15 minutes of work every night can lead to a lot of progress.  I finished up all of the purple stars which were last month's goal for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and have made a good start on this month's green ones.  Before the purple stars were stored with the previous blocks, I had to put them all back up on the design wall. 

 Twinkle Stars, Tutorial by Andrea Feldbush of Soscrappy

These blocks are quickly becoming one of my favorite projects.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to sash the blocks with corner stones.  But that won't be for a few more months after a few more colors are added.  

I'm running a bit late this morning, so I need to go get ready for work.  This week I'm linking up over at Esther's Quilts, Freshly Pieced and with My Quilt Infatuation.  There's a lot going on at those three blogs, check them out.  


  1. This is just beautiful, Kate! It's great to see all the blocks together like that. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing finished.

  2. Thank you for setting them all up for us to drool over! This is really stunning.

  3. I've been waiting and waiting to see all those gorgeous stars together ....and they are stunning !

  4. That's it, I must make a quilt using this block next year. I even ordered the tri recs rulers after drooling over your blocks for months. Thanks for the LOVELY inspiration!

  5. Oh what a pretty quilt this is going to be!

  6. Your twinkling stars are really beautiful, Kate! So well made and with lovely colours.
    And there are wonderful flowers in your other posts! :)

  7. Lovely stars... and they look really great all together up on your wall!

  8. This one is a beauty. They look like sparkly gems.

  9. Morning Kate, my goodness they look so beautiful all hanging up there, thanks for taking the time to share them with us. I'm sure there will be a few more twinkle quilts made after seeing these all together. Cheers Glenda


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