
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Still in Catch Up Mode

It's a bit damp here at Life in Pieces.  It looks like we are going to get a bit of sun this morning, but the forecast says the rain will be back this afternoon or evening.  We've missed out on the worst of the storms this week, getting mainly just wind and rain.  The large hail and tornadoes have been to the south of us.  Sounds like the worst will be north of us today, but we'll keep a close watch on the weather today as it certainly can change quickly in these parts. 

I've gotten some time in the sewing room most nights this week, though you certainly can't tell that by what's up on the design wall. I'm still playing catch up on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.  Just one completed purple Twinkle Star to show for my efforts this week.

Twinkle Stars, Tutorial by Andrea Feldbush of Soscrappy

I still have one purple star left to cut out, but the other 4 are in various stages of assembly.  So no green stars as yet, but I have selected the fabrics for them. 

In spite of all my fabric purchases over the last few years, my green stash is still pretty limited. I was able to pull enough to make this month's set of 6 blocks.  At some point I'll need to beef up this part of my stash, but for now I'm planning to stick to my fabric diet.  

This is the first project where I've gone first to my scrap strips to find the fabrics for the blocks.  I did a lot of cutting and sorting of my scraps last year and it's paying off this year.  I really need to get back in the habit of cutting a few strips, it does pay off when you are making scrappy blocks.    

That's it for me this week.  I'm seriously contemplating taking a solo retreat day tomorrow.  Drama Teen is having a sleep over tonight, so there will be no doing house work in the morning.  May as well sew right?  

I'm liking up with Angela over at Soscrappy.  Next on the agenda is my second cup of copy and some blog hopping to see what everyone is up too.  


  1. Your GREEN stash may be limited, but the selections are FABULOUS!!!

  2. You have the best sense of color! All your blocks always pop and I love that! I am with you on the scrap mgmt, I sorted a bunch of scraps I had in a basket and filled up all my ziplocs again with all the colors...its the only way to go! Keep up the beautiful work!

  3. wowie the color placement in the purple star is awesome. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  4. I think you are doing a great job of picking out color! Especially since you are shopping your stash first.

  5. I really like the purple fabric. It's so cute! The greens are ally yummy. We've had lots of rain and wind too. I'm hoping we make it through tonight without any hail or tornadoes. Stay safe

  6. Love the fabrics you have selected for your purple star. They look great together. Precut strips and squares make life just so easy, and its much better for storage as they don't take up as much room and a bunch of scraps.

  7. Wow star. Love that blue print. Nice collection of green prints, too.

  8. Hope you enjoy your solo sewing time. It is nice to take a break from all the running around.

  9. Hehe... I sewed today (Wed) before I started cleaning the house. It was amazing how quick I did the house before picking up the kids. Enjoy playing with the greens. I've been creating strips this year too.... Hopefully it will help when I just 'need' to start a scrappy quilt.


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