
Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Little Slow Stitching and Stash Busting

Science Fair is over for another year.  My Guy and I judged, while Drama Teen presented her project.  It made for a rather long Saturday as we were out the door by 7:15 AM and didn't wrap up until about 4:30 PM.  We were all pretty tired by the end of it.  Naps were pretty much the favored activity when we all got home.  It's going to be an even longer day today.  My Guy heads up a week long science education program for the local 5th graders.  Set up is today.  This morning he woke up with the same symptoms that kicked off my week long illness.  I'm hoping he doesn't get as sick as I did.  It's going to be a very long week.  

First the stash report for week 10.  Any sewing done this week happened last Sunday, before the respiratory virus tied me to the recliner and my tissue box.  I finished piecing the backing for the 2014 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler.  That made for a nice leap in the outgoing column for this week.  

Used last week: 4.99 yards
Used in March:  4.99 yards
Used year to date: 10.79 yards

Even better still no stash additions for 2015.  So the fabric diet is still going strong.  

Even though I felt too crappy to climb the stairs to do any sewing, it did finally get to the point that sitting in the recliner with a book had become really old.   But doing some handwork didn't sound like an exhausting proposition, so I hauled out the embroidery project that was started a couple of years ago.  It was nice to just sit and stitch a bit.  I finally finished the first butterfly.  

I don't often take the time to work on this unless we are traveling.  If I ever want to finish it, I really need to pull it out more often.  That or we need to start traveling more.  

That's it for me this week.  Check out Patchwork Times for more stash news and Kathy's Quilts for more Slow Stitching fun.  


  1. I vote for traveling more. Glad you're feeling better.

  2. I go for the travel. Do it before you get old. We always leave it too late

  3. Good work! I'm "guilty" of an addition this week!

  4. Those nasty bugs seem to be hitting hard this year! More travelling is always a good idea! Happy stitching to you!

  5. Glad you're feeling better. Amazing you get anything done with a teenager still at home! Take care of your beau and try to get some sewing time in.

  6. YES! I vote for more traveling! Enjoy!

  7. Good job on the stash usage and fabric diet!
    I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better; so sorry your guy is next.

  8. What a pretty stitchery - a little time here and there and it will get done. Get well wishes for the household.

  9. You are doing great on your stash usage. Traveling more sounds like fun and then you would get your pretty butterfly finished sooner! I hope you guys feel better soon.

  10. yes - travel more! :) hope everyone feels better soon.

  11. Your stitching looks great!

  12. What a pretty butterfly. I hope you spend some more time with this, but better to do so traveling than laid up in a recliner. I hope all in your home are feeling better soon.

  13. Congrats on all the outgoing fabric usage. I would vote to travel more to do your stitching. Glad you are over your sickness and I hope your DH doesn't have it.

  14. Glad you were feeling well enough to stitch. Sometimes it is hard to slow down enough to enjoy a project like this but it is just what we need.

  15. Good job on your fabric diet! I like your stitching - I have been doing far more of that than quilting so far this year!


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