
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stash Report - Week 2 of 2015

It was back to work this week after two weeks off for the holidays.  The week was too long, all of us were glad to see the weekend.  It's still too cold to want to go do much, so other than a trip to the gym and church, we've pretty much stayed home.  My Guy has been playing in the kitchen and I got chocolate pastries out of one session. 

So much for my diet, these were hard to resist.  Thankfully he froze most of them so they are not quite so readily available.  

Unfortunately, I've not been doing much playing in the sewing room.  From out of nowhere I developed a migraine headache last Sunday afternoon that took till Tuesday to ditch. That really reduced not only my sewing time, but my computer time as well.  So I'm behind there as well.  The one advantage of staying in from all the cold air was that I did get to spend some time in the sewing room yesterday and have a bit going out to show for that effort. 

Used last week:  0.38 yards
Used in January:  1.10 yards

I'm only going to report fabric usage this year, reporting on the stash additions was making me feel a bit uncomfortable.  Though the stash additions from last year are paying off this year.  I'm going to try to stay on a fabric diet for at least a few months.  Since my focus is on finishing up projects, it should be easier to avoid the temptation.

That's the state of my stash for the week.  You can see more stash reports over at Judy's Patchwork Times


  1. I'm trying to use up what's in the cupboard too. I have so many projects to get done that I don't have to buy any fabric for...let's hope for 2015 to finish quilts

  2. Glad you are feeling better. I deal with migraines as well, usually when the weather changes. I'm trying to do the same thing...focus on the fabric going out and not bringing any (or much!) in. Good job getting stash out so early in the year.

  3. I like your new header. Migraines can sure make life unbearable.

    I am also going to work at completing my unfinished quilts.

  4. Hey I like your new header Kate and are glad you are feeling better! I just bought a bundle of polka-dot fabric yesterday at 50% it's probably glad I don't do a stash report. LOL!!

  5. Hope you are finished with migraines for the rest of 2015. It's hard to sew when you are not feeling good. I think all of us are going to try using our stashes much more this year, me included.

  6. Those chocolate pastries have no calories. They are filled with love! ツ
    I had a migraine last weekend, too. So sorry you had one & am glad you are feeling better.
    As I finish up my big renovation project, I am looking ahead to shifting some things around here. This will require either using/giving/selling some of my fabric stash. Ah well, at least I will have an excuse to make room for more! Happy Sunday and Happy Sewing, Kate! ツ

  7. You have a good start to the new year. I am glad that your migraine has finally bit the dust.

  8. Great to have fabric used already!

  9. Hey, you have already outdone some of us. I haven't finished anything. Good luck on your fabric diet.

  10. I'm ignoring what's in my cupboard because my room is such a mess I can't get to it. I'll have to buy more. You've done well this month.

  11. That pastry looks great - and I think you guys made a good call putting them in the freezer! Good luck with continued stash usage this year!

  12. Ugh, migraines stink! Glad that left soon. The pastry looks good too! My main stash additions are sneaky remnants and small yardage. I guess I think I'm not getting much that way, but my storage is groaning!

  13. Migraines are the worst I share you pain. Luckily haven't had one for a bit.

  14. The chocolate pastry looks delicious!


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