
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Stash Report - Week 45 of 2014

Sunday already?  It seems like it was just Sunday.  The weeks just appear to fly by this time of year.  Not much going on in the sewing room this week.  Project summaries and any thing that goes on end of the year activity reports has to be done before Thanksgiving, so it's been a bit hectic at work.  Drama Teen and I did some much needed personal shopping yesterday, though she came home with quite a bit more than Mom did.  We decided to try a new to us pizza place for lunch.  The pizza was yummy, but the dessert we ordered was definitely the most memorable part of the meal. 

I'm not sure even DT and 4 of her friends could have made a dent in that mountain of whipped cream.  There really was a delicious chocolate covered pound cake at the bottom of that creation.  Talk about a sugar high.  

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling very well by the time we got home.  I ended up going to bed with a nasty headache and never did make it to the sewing room.  Couple that with my lack of stitching time this week, there's not much to report on the stash reduction front.

Used last week:  0.52 yards
Used in November:  0.52 yards
Used year to date:  29.06 yards

I'm still hoping to end the year with at least 40 yards going out of the stash.  I need to get busy, there really isn't much year left. For more stash stories check out Patchwork Times.

Before I hit publish there's one last thing to cover.   Who did Mr. Random Number Generator pick as the winner of the polka dot fat quarters from the 1000th post giveaway?  

Congratulations to Denise who blogs over at Count it *all* Joy.  She's got some beautiful projects that she just finished, plus she just started a gorgeous hand stitching project.  You should definitely hop over to her blog to say congrats.    

It was really hard to just pick one winner as most of the comments on my 1000th post are from long time blog buddies. Thanks for all the inspiration, laughs, and support.


  1. Looks yummy! Denise is such a sweet person, glad she won your giveaway.

  2. Holy cow, that's a mountain of whipped cream! LOL! She looks a little dazed at the prospect of it all!! Hope you're feeling better this morning - a nasty headache is NO fun. Thank you so much for the darling polka dot fabric -- they are very darling and I love dots!! :)

  3. The weeks do seem to fly by at this time of year. I hope you manage to fit in some quilting time next week.

  4. Goodness....that dessert is a group project! Congrats on your 1000 post!

  5. That dessert is something alright ! I’m not sure I could have come anywhere near close to finishing it.

    You used half a yard this week which is better than not using anything right?

  6. My goodness! That is a huge mountain of cream!

    I agree, the weeks are flying by. Christmas will be here before we know it yet my head is stuck somewhere mid-year! LOL

  7. Yowza! That looks like a Marie-Antoinette-wig pile of whipped cream. Sorry about your headache; I can relate.

  8. Congrats to Denise on being the big winner. Sorry you did not feel like doing any sewing after getting back from lunch. I thought you were going to say you ate too much! lol

  9. Oh my I'd love that dessert!! Congrats to the winner.

  10. That looks delicious! Congrats to the winner!


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