
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stash Report - Week 40 of 2014

Not much going on this weekend.  Drama Teen wants to go to a pancake breakfast this morning, so we'll head that direction in just a bit.  Other than that, nothing else is on the agenda for today.  So hopefully I can spend some quality time in the sewing room. 

The leaves are just starting to put on their fall colors here.

They will be in their full glory in another couple of weeks.  There are enough patches of color to promote the hope that it will be a pretty fall, not one where the leaves turn brown and just fall off.  Maybe by next weekend there will be enough color for some fun photography walks.  

Back to the sewing stuff.  I've been sticking with my goal of spending at least 15 minutes in the sewing room each day.  I had hoped to spend all yesterday afternoon stitching, but my sinuses had other ideas.  Instead I spent most of the afternoon felling feverish and too uncomfortable to stitch much.  I felt a bit better yesterday evening and managed an hour or so in the sewing room.  Still there's not a lot to show going out for this week.

Used last week:  0.94 yards
Used in October:  0.66 yards
Used year to date:  21.43 yards

To make my goal of using 40 yards by the end of the year, I need to use about 6 yards per month or about 1.5 yards per week.  That sounds doable.  

That's it for my stash report this week.  Check out Patchwork Times for more stash reports.  


  1. Gorgeous fall photo--amazing color!
    Good luck with your stitching goals. Spending time sewing every day is sure to help you get there.

  2. Good to hear that both you and DT are feeling better.
    I passed along your 15 minutes of sewing a day to a friend who has lost her desire to sew and she says that it has helped, thanks for sharing that idea.

  3. Looking at Dee Dee's comment made me wonder . . . do you still try to get in 15 minutes a day, even though you don't report it?? Glad y'all are feeling better ... and that you're seeing some fall color!! :)

  4. I hope you feel better today! :) ~Melanie

  5. Lots of quilt backs - thats the way to use up that 40 yards of stash!

  6. Hope you're feeling better! We had our own pancake breakfast at Flapjack's in Gatlinburg Saturday morning.

  7. I'm amazed that you're keeping up with the 15 minutes a day .. I confess that I'm a slacker and haven't been anywhere near that. Keep up the good work.


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