
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Finding Time to Stitch - Mid Month Report and Linky

Last month I took a look at my quilting goals for the year and realized that I was not making much progress on them.  There are lots of excuses reasons why I'm not making progress, but it basically comes down to the fact that if I'm not in the sewing room, progress doesn't happen.  So for the rest of 2014 I've committed to spending at least 15 minutes a day in my sewing room.  

The other part of the challenge is reporting on my progress.  I'm much more likely to stick with it if I have to report on my progress, or lack thereof, here on the blog.  For the first 15 days of the month I did pretty well. 

The sewing room saw some activity every day for the first half of the month.  Sometimes it was just the 15 minutes, sometimes it was a couple of hours.  Have I seen any progress on my goals?  
  • Scrappy Stars is a finished flimsy
  • a layout for the pieced back has been worked up in EQ
  • Chocolate Marshmallows was started
  • Finished Septembers Inverted Star block, started Novembers
  • Started the blocks for Novembers's Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler
  • Used more fabric in half the month than I did in most full months this year
  • Pulled stash fabric for Bonnie Hunter's 2014 winter mystery quilt.

So it's been a good month so far and it's only half over.  

Have you been making good use of your sewing room this month?  If like me, you are more motivated to stick with a commitment if you know you have to come clean with your progress you can link up below and share your success and/or your struggles finding time to stitch. 

1. Jo ButterZ
2. Julie in GA
3. Val
4. FABBY: Halloween Tea Party with my G'girls
5. Amanda Bergamin
6. Kate @ katiemaequilts

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  1. This week has been a very productive week in my sewing room. I do not make a list. I walk in and see all the piles. It depends on my mood as to what I will work on that day.

  2. I am so glad you have started this up again. Your 15 minute Challenge really motivated me to make a habit of sewing every day. It's amazing what we can accomplish even in short little chunks of time.

  3. I have been very good and I don't think I've missed a day. A couple of days I did some cross stitch because I didn't have any hand work to do but have been doing class samples this week

  4. I haven't been keeping formal track of where I'm at with a daily sewing tally - but I'm moving along with my projects which has been quite a thrill.

    Keep at it Kate - it looks to me like you're making progress and sounding enthusiastic about it so thats a good sign

    PS. Took a quilt to work yesterday and sewed binding at lunch !

  5. Thanks for the motivation Kate!!! Looking forward to creating a new quilty winter habit for myself...tomorrow will be my day one...better late than never right! :)

  6. Kate is this linky the middle of each month??

  7. I take 30 minutes everyday to get some quilting done. It's worked for me for years. If I don't get those 30 minutes in, I feel like I've lost a part of my soul. Fifteen minutes sounds very doable for you and seems to be working. Great job!

  8. October will end with me having spent zero time in my sewing room, six hours of time in the sewing classroom and some hand-stitching time! I was away for the first three days, spent the next two with WM, was sick for five days... And WM's being on annual leave hasn't left a lot of "me time". We've also been away from home for four days, home for one for washing (doing laundry) and re packing then off again for the rest of the month! I'm glad I brought the hand-stitching with me although, so far, I've only spent a couple of hours doing any stitching!
    All that to say, fifteen minutes a day is way more productive than I will be!


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