
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sad News

It's been two weeks since I last posted, read a blog or even answered much email. For those who follow my blog routinely, you know that Drama Teen has been recovering from surgery to repair her ACL. That's been a rocky road for her, as function doesn't come back immediately.  It's hard to be young and unable to do such simple tasks such as getting on the bus after school.   

An even harder blow came on the 11th.  My slightly zany, much beloved mother-in-law passed away.  Her funeral was this last Thursday.  Though we all knew her diagnosis was terminal, none of us thought it would happen this quickly.  Everyone had anticipated at least one more holiday season with her. 

My MIL loved tulips, her spring beds always inspired a lot of photographs.  She loved photographs too, we spent a lot of time during our visits passing around everyone's photographs.  I'll miss those times the most.  

It will be awhile before we find a new balance, but we are all working on it.  I've missed seeing what everyone is up too.  I'm slowly catching up reading everyone's blogs, though I'm not commenting much on the older posts.  


  1. Thanks for sharing Kate. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

  2. So sorry to hear this Kate. Thinking of you and your family.

  3. So sorry Kate, your family has had a bad trot lately. Cancer is such an insidious disease, it is so hard on the suffer and the family to watch some you love go through all the pain. Thinking of you and yes it does take time to re find your balance when they are gone.

  4. I'm so sorry. I'm praying for you and your family.

  5. Sorry to hear about your mother in law Kate. Thinking of you , My Guy and DT .

  6. Kate, we bloggers can wait. You've have a lot of hits lately...I'm sending positive thoughts and hugs your way. The fact you even got all your scrappy rows sewn together is AMAZING...but then again, sewing is very therapeutic. THinking of you!!! V

  7. Kate, I'm so sorry to hear this. Praying for your family as you grieve and mourn your much loved mother-in-law. Praying too for your daughter as she continues to recovery! Sometimes the recovery process is tougher than the surgery itself! Hugs to you! :)

  8. I'm so sorry for your family's loss, but hope that soon you will be able to rejoice that hpshe is heaven-bound and no longer suffering.

    I hope DT hits a steady road to recovery so life can get a little more stable for all of you.

  9. That was too short a time, indeed, between her illness and her passing. My sympathies to all those who loved and lost her. Your tulip photo is beautiful, as is your description of your MIL.

  10. Kate,

    I haven't been around in a couple of weeks, and I'm so sorry to be catching up with you so late after the passing of your beloved MIL. What a beautiful tribute you've written of her.

    ((HUGS)) and lots of prayers, sweet friend. May her memory be eternal.

  11. So sorry for you loss. I don't comment often, but sorrow stirs me to do so.
    My deep sympathy on the loss of your MIL. Prayers for Drama Queen too.

  12. So sorry for you loss. I don't comment often, but sorrow stirs me to do so.
    My deep sympathy on the loss of your MIL. Prayers for Drama Queen too.

  13. So very sorry for your loss. What a difficult time for you all, especially with DC recovering from surgery. (hugs)

  14. I know I'm very late but nonetheless I wish you, MG and DT, as well as the rest of the family all the very best as you face life without your beloved MIL/Mom/Grandma.


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