
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - A Little Orange Finally

It's been a month since my last Rainbow Scrap Challenge Post.  I knew I was behind, but hadn't realized by just how much.  My mental health day yesterday was pretty productive.  All the orange scraps were dug up, cut up and sewn back together until two of the blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler were finished.

 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler
By Angela Feldbush of Soscrappy

The third orange block is partially assembled and I've gotten a start on this month's orange Inverted Star.  As for the butterfly block, orange was the one color that got made as part of last year's challenge. 

Scrappy Butterflies
Block is available in EQ 7 Block Library

I'm hoping to finish all the other orange blocks today.  Hard to believe it's almost October. I've not spent much time with this month's color, but still I'm looking forward to seeing what color we'll be playing with next month.  

Check out all the fun orange projects posted at Soscrappy.  


  1. Good to see you back. Good luck with the catching up.

  2. Good luck with the catch up. Pretty butterfly and I just love the new header of blocks.

  3. I love your bandana orange fabric! ANd that butterfly is adorable! I have no idea what the EQ must check that out! I'll be catching up myself this morning...

  4. It's good to see you back on the RSC.
    Great orange blocks, and your Inverted Stars in the header look amazing together!

  5. Love all your orange work. Your inverted stars all together is just what I've been waiting for. So pretty!

  6. Glad to see you back. Beautiful orange blocks. Think I'm ready for another color : )

  7. Lovely orange blocks. The butterfly block is adorable.

  8. Great butterfly block. Really love your header though. Beautiful!

  9. Great job catching up! Love the saturated colors in your blocks!

  10. Your two top blocks for the sampler show the wide range of orange I think my favourite is Bear Paw - but your butterfly block is a cutie.

  11. Love that you used a bandana print in one of those blocks. It looks fantastic. Glad you got some quality sewing time in too.

  12. The inverted stars in our banner are fantastic. Great work. Nice bunch of blocks you made up for this month too.

  13. your oranges are so happy. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  14. Your blocks look good. As of October, I will be three months behind!

  15. The orange is a nice addition! Glad you were able to take a day for yourself and do something you love.

  16. One thing at a time ... This is supposed to be fun, too!!

    I am a BIG fan of mental health days!!!!!!!

  17. Love your oranges. Welcome back. I think I need one or two of those mental health days! Hope it helped!!

  18. Hey! You have my favorite orange scrappy bit too! (In the pinwheel-ish block.)


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