
Monday, May 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday - A Few New Blocks

It was a quiet weekend for a change.  The laundry piles are noticeable smaller, that took most of Saturday.  Most of  Sunday was spent in the sewing room except for the time spent helping Drama Teen with her biology project. 

I've gotten behind on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler blocks, so yesterday I worked on getting caught up on those.  All the purple blocks (last month's color) are all cut out now and mostly assembled.  Three of the purple blocks are completed and are up on the design wall with the rest of the scrap blocks. 

I'm not sure that I'll set the blocks together this way.  In the final setting, the blocks will likely be sashed, probably with white.  Though I'll probably play a bit to see what else might work.  

Not much else going on with my design walls.  Once I get caught up with the RSCS blocks, I need to get back to The Jigsaw quilt.  

For more design walls check out Patchwork Times.  


  1. Your blocks look great! I'm also enjoying the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

  2. Growing blocks while shrinking laundry piles--good exchange!

  3. Love Annie's comment!

    Sounds like a nice quiet weekend - with lots of time for adding to the ever growing block pile.

    I house hunted and got a tiny bit of binding done.

  4. Your sampler blocks look great together, and I love the new photo at the top of the page.

  5. I love how your RSC blocks are coming out!


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