
Friday, January 3, 2014

Something Old, Something New - January 2014

Lynn over at Never Too Hot to Stitch has a new monthly challenge for 2014, Something Old, Something New.  

Never too hot to Stitch!

I'm a day late with my post, but it's been a bit crazy here the past day or so.  Drama Teen was scary sick yesterday.  She wasn't able to keep food down or stay awake.  She slept pretty much 20 hours straight.  Thankfully by lunch time today she started showing an appetite as well as the ability to keep down what she'd eaten.  Now that I'm not worried, I can think to write a post.  

The "something old" part of the challenge is to work towards completing a UFO.  My definition of a UFO is anything that was started more than a year ago.  I definitely have a few of those.  This month I want to get the binding and label sewn on to Mon Ami.  

 Mon Ami
by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company

The binding is all made, I just need to trim up the quilt and then stitch on the binding.  

The "something new" part of the challenge for Lynn is to learn a new skill or technique.  Learning something new is a tall order for me as the schedule is a bit packed.  However, I do want to start a new project this month to go along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I think that will be my something new for January.  

 Inverted Star by Jessica Boschem available on Craftsy

I want to start this scrappy Inverted Star project this month.  I've started cutting the fabrics, it takes a lot of half square triangles. 

That's it for my January "to do" list.  Check out all the other challenge posts over at Lynn's blog


  1. Ooooh! I really like the look of the inverted star -- that's pretty cool! Very glad that DT is feeling better. It is scary when they're sick like that, isn't it? Hugs! :)

  2. Oo, scary times. I'm glad DT is feeling a little better.

    I like the Inverted Star block -- welcome to this year's challenge.

  3. It's usually just me that gets those types of bugs though maestro had one last year. It's scared when they get like that and there is nothing you can do to make them feel better

  4. You are not the only one with a few UFO's (LOL) good luck with your goals!

  5. Glad to hear DT is feeling better!

    Love that Inverted Star...that will make a great scrap challenge!

  6. I was very tempted by the inverted star block as well. Glad drama teen is feeling better. There is a flu going around here as well. Must be that time of the year.

  7. Good to hear DT is on the mend.

    I think your rainbow star is going to be new skill for this year is going to be to crack FM quilting..(I think I've been saying that for at least 4 years )

  8. Gosh, I hate it when one of my kids is that ill! Hope she's feeling all better by now. Mon Ami is a neat quilt - perfect for picnics, Americana décor, Quilts of Valor, men's gift. . . love it!

  9. You are getting off on the right foot for 2014. I love your inverted star block. Great idea for half square triangles. Glad your teen is feeling better. Not knowing what caused you to be sick is always such a scary thing.


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