
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Very Late 15 Minute Challenge Post

It's after 7 PM central time and I'm just now getting to the 15 Minute Challenge post.  Since the hard drive died on the lap top, I'm having to wing a few things.  I do have some key files backed up so I'm not completely dead, but I have lost access to specialty programs, like EQ and My Memories Suite, that are not on My Guy's desk top.  I haven't lost any of my pictures, but they are all on memory cards, not on a computer at the moment.  So I can restore all of those, but it may take a while.  

The real reason I didn't get to post this morning is due to a deadline at work.  I was up late last night getting it done and just didn't have time this morning to write a post.  So I'm just going to have to plead for mercy and hope that late truly is better than never.  

Last week was the worst week I've had all year for finding time (and energy) to stitch.  

Tuesday          Nada
Wednesday     Nada
Thursday         Nada
Friday              Nada
Saturday          Celtic Solstice
Sunday            Back to Square One
Monday           Nada 

Just two days worth of sewing room time.  In part, the absences are due to holiday activities.  Deadlines at work have also impacted my ability to sew when I get home.  Some nights I've had to work.  

I could beat myself up for the last week, but I've decided that sometimes that's just the way life works.  This month's fostering creativity theme is about not feeling guilty when things don't work out as we had hoped with our crafty endeavors. gives the definition of guilty as "a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined."   So what offense do we commit that we feel we have to be remorseful for when we don't quilt or a project doesn't turn out right?  Is it that we paid $$ for the fabric and we aren't using it or we did use it, but it didn't work right, so we wished we hadn't?  

It was easy to forgive myself this week as I had real deadlines on other things that had to get done or I would risk not staying employed.  It's easy to forgive under those circumstances.  But what about those weeks (or for some us, months) where we don't venture into the sewing room.  Those times we'd rather read a book, play on the computer, etc.  Is it so bad that we aren't creating, that projects aren't getting done?  I don't have any answers to these questions. I suspect that what answers there are would be different for each one of us.  

Hopefully your creative life was more successful than mine last week.  Please link up and share how your crafty side is doing.  

1. Julie in GA

2. Melanie J.

3. Kate

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  1. There is no guilt if I don't have a deadline. This time is a bit crazy but I nearly have all my xmas shopping done and my xmas making is just about done too. Can't wait till the end of the week and there are no more school commitments and sport is finished for the break. just 3 more days.

  2. I may have to write a blog post about this Kate because my original comment was way too long for a comment. Suffice it to say that you've asked an intriguing question. While I do not feel guilty not working on something when I choose not to work on something, I do feel guilty jumping from project to project and may make my quilty goal for next year to be around the lines of sticking to one project until it's done. :)

  3. I used to feel guilty if I didn't work on a project every day until it was finished. Then I realized that whatever I did (mostly) was a project that was more important. So it was really a matter of priorities. On the days where I just didn't feel like doing anything, I gave myself permission to "recharge". Maybe just excuses, but guilt uses energy and I need to save what little I have left. ;)


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