
Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Design Wall and Celtic Solstice Progress

We survived the weekend ice storm with no power loss and no damage.  But it's still bitterly cold outside.  Other than a quick trip out with Drama Teen to get our hair cut and pick up coffee yesterday, we didn't venture out all.  Well that's not quite true I did venture outside in an attempt to get some cool shots of all the ice clad trees.  I lasted all of about 5 minutes.  The north wind was very persuasive in convincing me that the photos I had were good enough and I quickly scampered back inside.  My Guy only lasted another 5 minutes and then he was back inside too, saying it was just to cold to stay out.  That's rare for him, he can usually take the cold much, much better than I can.  

I have some last minute wrapping to finish up this morning, as well as a bit of laundry, then I'll be done with my chores until after Christmas.  I've not had a lot of time for stitching with all the pre-holiday prep work, but I did get a good start on clue 4 of Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice mystery project.  

The photo also shows my progress on all the other steps.  Not as much as I would like, especially for the pinwheels. But I should have a few bits and pieces to assemble into blocks when we get to that part.  I've been enjoying the process, even though I've not had a lot of time for sewing.  After Christmas, I should be able to spend a couple of days in the sewing room just stitching.  

Safe travels to those on the road or traveling by air this year.  May you have a blessed holiday season and a joyous time with your families.  

For more design walls check out Patchwork Times.  For more Celtic Solstice progress, check out all the posts over at Quiltville.    


  1. Your Celtic Solstice parts are looking great--beautiful colors together! It fun to see it non-scrappy too.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. So happy to hear you didn't receive any damage! Your units look great, and I think this is going to be a wonderful color scheme for the mystery quilt! Enjoy your Christmas vacation!

  3. I heard about that awful storm--glad you were able to return to a warm house! Your Celtic parts look great so far. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Glad to hear no issues at your house. We got spared as well.
    Love your Celtic color scheme - and like you am hoping to get some sewing done during xmas break. Merry Christmas!

  5. Glad you didn't lose Power in the storm. Your block parts look good. You are following Bonnie directions, at least making part of each clue. I am enjoying seeing all the colors on the DWM and CS Link-ups.

  6. Maybe, you can find time to sneak in some stitching now that your chores are completed. Ice storm came close. It hit the next county.

  7. Celtic Solstice is looking fabulous.

    We have the opposite of cold here ...I wouldnt mind a white Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Kate

  8. I love your way of keeping track of where you are with each step of the Celtic Solstice. Your colors are looking good together.

    We only got a light dusting of snow here--it looks like it will NOT be a white Christmas, though it is plenty cold.

    Stay warm and happy holidays.

  9. Your mystery parts look fantastic!

    An ice storm sounds really scary. While you were experiencing that, we had weather where it was just too hot to be outside. I don't know which would be worse, but either make me very thankful to have a house to shelter in!

  10. you are farther along on the mystery quilt than me!

  11. I wish you and yours a joyous and peaceful Christmas.

  12. Have a lovely Xmas, ours is over for another year ... Ate too much and went to bed early lol kids had a good time and the food was a success. Kids and their uncles spent the afternoon in the pool it was just right with the air on on even for a hot lunch which mil insists on. Can't really imagine a cold Christmas it looks like another sunny day today here and I ink I will just be lolling about.

  13. It is such a busy time of year. You are lucky to get in any sewing time at all. Hope youcancatch up soon.


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