
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Design Wall and Celtic Solstice

It's been another hectic week here at Life in Pieces.  My Christmas shopping is done, now it just all has to get wrapped.  I've recovered most of my files from the now defunct lap top.  All the photos are on backup drives now, so I can at least access them for posts.  The plan for the lap top is to have the e-geeks determine if it's worth putting a new hard drive in it, but I won't be able to mess with that till later this week.  So I'm making do with My Guy's desk top and the Nook.  

I have spent some time in the sewing room this week, though more of that time has been spent wrapping presents than it has been sewing.  I did get a chance to sew for a bit last night.  I made a start on clue #3 of Celtic Solstice.  

Just 2 pinwheels completed at the moment.  I do hope to get back into the sewing room for more than a few minutes sometime later this week.  Drama Teen needs some help with her Science Fair project tonight, so I'm not sure there will be any time left to sew after that. Hopefully, Tuesday will offer more opportunity to sit down and stitch for a bit.   

That's it for the design wall this week.  Check out more design walls over at Patchwork Times and you can see all the fun progress on  Celtic Solstice over at Quiltville.  


  1. ...and the two pinwheels are very pretty - love the fabrics!

  2. I hate computer problems. I'm limping along with a 5 and a half year old Mac Power Book. I've changed the battery twice and needs to be changed again. It needs a new cord and it has a lovely blue line down the sign. I'm hoping Santa got the message about me wanting a new lap top! I wish I could say my gifts were all wrapped, heck, I'm going out today to buy some! You are ahead of me.

  3. I'm loving you colors for the Celtic Solstice quilt. ~Melanie :)

  4. I know how frustrating it is to have tech problems. I have been dealing with my own here lately. our pinwheel colors look great together!

  5. Sorry to hear about your computer woes!

    The pinwheels look great!

  6. I love your orange and teal colours. I have a plan to do something in those colours one day ... Well done for hanging on in there!

  7. Your pinwheel blocks look great! I love your color combo.
    Here's hoping your laptop can be saved.

  8. I think this time of year always messes with quilting and sewing plans...I havent touched my machine for a week!

    Love your pinwheels. The colours are great together !


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