
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Guilty

It's another swim practice Tuesday, so I have less than 15 minutes to get this post together.  Have I considered writing a post the night before?  Yes, I have but Monday evening stuff seems to take over and before I know it, it's time for bed.  

On the sewing front, I had an excellent week.  Which should be expected as I was on vacation all week.  

Not a lot of sewing, but I did get a lot of hand work done.  I washed the fabric for Celtic Solstice last night so I can start cutting.  But that won't happen tonight because Drama Teen has a swim meet.

It's a new month, which means a new fostering creativity discussion topic.  It's a topic that most of us are familiar with, feeling or not feeling guilty as the case may be when we do or don't find time for our creativity fix.  Not sure where this topic is going to take us, but we'll look at it all month.  It's a good topic to lead into the new year as most of us will start thinking about next year's goals before too much longer.  

Well that's all I have time for this morning.  Link up below and share how your holiday week went. 

1. Julie in GA
2. Kate @ katiemaequilts
3. Melanie J.
4. Amanda

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  1. Ahhh guilt- the perennial and pervasive feeling that all of us creative types struggle with. Looking forward to this topic because I suffer from guilt overload !

  2. Uh oh! We have to end the year with guilt?!?

  3. A great week for you!
    Quilt and guilt--is it a coincidence that they rhyme? It should be an interesting topic.

  4. Interesting topic for next month during the holidays. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say. :)

  5. Have you noticed that the difference between guilt and quilt is just one letter? great week. I'll try to link up this week, albeit a little late.

  6. Should be interesting I'll try and link up but internet is only working at godforsaken hours at the moment.

  7. Not quite a 15 minute challenge post but I have linked up and it does say what I have been doing lately.


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