
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stash Report - Week 47 of 2013

It's been a slow Sunday so far.  Just sipping coffee and checking out the news.  We spent yesterday at the pool watching Drama Teen do this:

She did actually swim some as well, but we were short timers, so I ended up behind the blocks with a stopwatch and no camera for most of the meet. 

Adding in church and dinner out meant not much stitching happened yesterday.  But black background fabric for the Starburst Quilt Along got washed and pressed in between yesterday's events, so I'm ready to start on those blocks this afternoon.  

And that brings me to this week's stash report.  Starburst needs 5 yards of background fabric.  I really had my heart set on black, but of course, the most I had on hand of any one black fabric was 3 yards.  So I ordered some.  In fact, I ordered 4 different fabrics because it's so hard to tell what will work until you actually see it (black isn't always black).  This is what the UPS guy brought me this week:

The fabric in the upper left is being used for Starburst, the other pieces are going into the stash for other projects.  Thankfully fabric doesn't spoil.  I have several projects that I'd like to make that have black backgrounds, so it will all get used at some point.  However, for the short term, the stash report took another big hit. 

Used last week:  1.01 yards
Added last week:  20 yards

Used for 2013:  63.83 yards
Added for 2013:  255.83 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  192 yards

It's good that I've got some time off this week so I can work on raising the outgoing numbers before the end of the year!  That's it for my stash report.  I'm linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times.  I need to get laundry going, but then will come the second cup of coffee and a chance to check out who is destashing and who is stashing.  


  1. The Starburst Quilt Along looks like such a pretty quilt you guys will be making. I'll watch on the sidelines and applaud the prettiness. I've got a lot of WIPs right now and cannot add anymore. ~Melanie

  2. Kate, you're enhancing the stash, not stashing - LOL. Still almost 64 yards out in a year is impressive.

  3. So nice to see a kindred spirit....your numbers are impressive.

  4. You are right about blacks. Sounds like you still need a yard... I love black backgrounds. Great stash use in 2013.

  5. Kate - I'm about to crown you Queen of Fabric for 2013. But sometimes you just have to buy stuff because you need it. Or to add to your stash. Or because you want to.

  6. Hey, black is such a wonderful background to set off other colors, you'll surely use up the new blacks you added. I would call them wise additions to your fabric library.

  7. Those are some cool blacks. Who cares about stash? You're an artist! You MUST have supplies! LOL

  8. Those are some beautiful fabrics. What was Drama Queen doing there, playing on her phone?

  9. Those black fabrics will all end up being very useful and you will be glad you got them.


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