
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stash Report - Week 40 of 2013

It's been a mixed bag of a weekend so far.  Yesterday all three of us woke up with sinus headaches.  After a dose of Tylenol we were all feeling well enough to jump in the car and head to Tulsa for My Guy's promised birthday lunch.  My Guy's favorite restaurant was closed for remodeling, which was a disappointment till he remembered there was a place on Cherry Street that he had seen in passing and wanted to try.  So we headed in that direction. He ordered the fried green tomatoes stuffed with crab.

I ended up with pork tacos.  

Drama Teen ordered lamb sliders.  Since she typically doesn't eat breakfast on the weekends until lunch time, she was so hungry that she dived right in, so no picture.  My Guy's not fond of cake, so he ordered the bread pudding with ice cream and caramel sauce as his "birthday cake".  

Oh I forgot to mention the bacon bits on the top.  Needless to say we were all pretty stuffed after all of that. After lunch we lucked into an art show and browsed that for a while.  We found a couple of Christmas presents (yes it is unfortunately that just about that time of year).  My Guy's headache came back full force, so we made one more quick stop and headed home.  All of us took naps when we got home and all felt better for it.  But My Guy got up this morning with what is now a full blown migraine headache.  So I'm being really quiet so he can sleep.

With all of our doings yesterday, not much stitching happened.  I did get some stitching done earlier in the week.  I'm now starting to complete the Log Cabin blocks for clue 7 on the Back to Square One quilt, so there is a little bit to report as going out. 

Used last week:  0.38 yards
Added last week:  0 yards

Used for 2013:  58.45 yards
Added for 2013:  157.83 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  99.38 yards

Even better, there was nothing in last week, so I'm still under my limit of 100 yards of stash added for the rest of 2013.  

That's it for my stash report.  Check out other reports over at Judy's Patchwork Times.  


  1. Wow! This food looks terrific! Bread pudding with bacon bits? Count me in! Hope you all start feeling better. I am coming down with a head cold myself! :-/

  2. i noticed that when i was outside today that i was having some sinus issues and yesterday was my day for a migraine so you all have my sympathies.

    all of that food looked pretty tasty and now i think i'm hungry . . .


  3. Looking pretty darned good to me.


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