
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Stretching Your Breaks

When you are a child, you think your parents decide what gets down when.   When you are the parent, you realize just how much your parents had to make adjustments to deal with your school/activity schedule.  Drama Teen finished up with high school volleyball last Tuesday and on Wednesday started attending practice for the high school swim team.  Volleyball was relatively easy, she rode the bus from the mid-high to the high school for practice, then I picked her up there once I got off work.  Swim practice is going to take some adjustment as she has practice at 6 AM on two days of the week, then 7 PM practice on two other days.  My Guy took her to 6 AM practice this morning.  We've been scrabbling since 5 AM to get lunches made, breakfast eaten and trash out so they could get out the door.  It's going to be a long 4 months.  

I'm not going to think about that madness any more.  Moving on to the more fun stuff, this month's fostering creativity theme is taking breaks.  Last week I talked about taking breaks from the sewing room and doing something else for a bit to bring back your sewing mojo.  Taking breaks while you in the midst of a sewing frenzy is important too.  Most of us don't get often get the chance to sew for hours on end, but when we do, mini breaks are a great way to keep your energy levels high.  Stretching can help get your blood moving and keep you from getting stiff if you are planning to sit at the machine for several hours.  There are all kinds of sites that have stretches for quilters.  Here a few of my favorites.  

American Quilters Society
Sandi Quilts
Parkway Physiothearpy

Hopefully you'll find a few stretches from the above that help you get the blood moving and re-energize you during your longer sewing sessions.  

If you've not been able to wrangle an hours long session, have you been able to find just 15 minutes a day to sew?  I did pretty well on that front last week. 

Tuesday was DT's last volleyball game of the regular season, so I didn't get home in time to sew.  I ended up asleep in the recliner on Friday and just didn't make it upstairs to the sewing room.  Still, 5 out of 7 days isn't bad.  

If you'd like to share how your sewing week went, write a post and link up below.  

1. Julie in GA

2. Kate @katiemaequilts

3. Newsurfiegirl

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  1. Good luck with the early morning swim practices. It will be better once you all get into a routine with the schedule. Way to go on finding time to sew most days. I will check out those sites for stretches--definitely a good idea.

  2. Very early mornings are not a good time for thinking... my DH leaves the house at 5:15 AM so we're getting up at 4:15. He showers while I make breakfast and pack his lunch... until I decided I just couldn't think about making lunch at that time of the morning - so now his lunch gets packed up after dinner and gets put into an insulated bag (open) into the refrig. In the morning we just add a cold pack and zip it closed.

  3. Ooh, ouch - I'd quit if I had 6 am swim practice! In high school, we swam after school, and the Y was right across the street from the school. I think Mom planned it that way. ;)

  4. I wish you luck with your early starts. Great job getting so much sewing in this week too.

  5. Good luck with the swimming. I think that was the hardest sport on my kids and we only did it for a couple of years and never in high school.

    I know when I sew for long periods of time, I definitely have to take breaks and stretch ..


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