
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Do you need a break?

October usually brings cooler weather our way.  In a couple of weeks the leaves will start to change.  The fall foliage should be glorious this year since we've had ample rain all summer long.  Besides all that Drama Teen and I have reason to celebrate the first of October.  Today is My Guy's birthday.

Since DT has an away game tonight, we celebrated last night. Happy birthday My Guy!  

The new month also brings a new fostering your creativity theme.  This month's topic is "take breaks".  First there's the, "I need to stretch and walk around" break that you need when things are moving along and you are so close to a finish.  Then there is the "It's not working and I'm frustrated" break when you really should walk away from the sewing machine for a while.  We'll talk about both kinds of breaks and how to make the most of them in subsequent posts. 

The break I took last week when I only managed 3 days in the sewing room, really paid off this week.

Seven out of seven.  A really good week on the stitching front.  I even spent a couple of sessions working on a new project, which was a lot of fun.  

So how did you do this week?  Did you stitch or take a break?  


  1. Happy Birthday My Guy! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Im 50/50 this week.Sometimes sewing , sometimes not. Sadly my frustration breaks usually turn into a hiatus from that particular project ...

  2. Nice photo of Birthday Guy :) !
    Glad a break didn't turn into a full hiatus! Stitching is great therapy, IMHO :)

  3. Sometimes those breaks are unplanned, like when there just isn't any time to quilt--but we keep trying to find that 15 minutes each day!

  4. I definitely took a break last week and this week too! I didn't even make it to reading your blog. I'm not sure things are going to let up, but I am going to get more sewing in.

    Happy Birthday, belatedly, to your guy.

  5. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to Your Guy. My brother turned 50 on 1st October. No big deal -- most people turn fifty half a century after their births: but Jack has one daughter and she is only three years old!


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