
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Breaking for an Energy Fix

Thank you to all who've left notes expressing sympathy for Drama Teen.  I'm happy to report she is mostly back to her normal teenage self. Apparently it was the pain medication and not the antibiotic that caused the digestive problems.  I knew she was getting back to normal when I got the text at 5 PM yesterday asking when I was coming home, which was quickly followed by a text asking if would I pick up tacos for her on my way home. 

Since I took off a couple of days to be home with DT after the wisdom teeth came out, I did get a lot done.  Not all of it was in the sewing room, but that's good too.  Even spending most of one day on some paperwork, I still managed to spend 6 days out of the last seven working on quilting related projects.

I've been doing a lot of stitching recently, so it was nice to take some time to work on a new project.  Drama Teen and I have just about decided on the fabric layout for her new quilt.  I hope to be able to start cutting out the pieces by the weekend. 

Changing things up in the sewing room occasionally is a good thing.  As much as I'd like to finish up the older projects, it's energizing to be working on a new project, especially one that has an aspect to it I've never tried before.   We've been exploring the idea of taking breaks to enhance your creativity this month.  Even when doing something you really enjoy, you sometimes start to flag a bit. Especially if you discover you have to "unsew" something or you are working on a project that takes a lot of focus and attention.  WebMD had some interesting ideas on how to boost your energy in just 10 minute increments.  Some of their suggestions included:  
  • take a walk in the sunshine
  • have a coffee break
  • stretch (we covered that last week)
  • write in a journal
  • laugh
  • drink some green tea
  • splash cold water on your face
  • listen to music
  • have some chocolate (my personal favorite)
  • organize your sewing space

Did you find time to stitch for 15 minutes most days this week or were you on a break from the sewing room?

1. Lesley A
2. Julie in GA
3. Melanie J.
4. Kate @katiemaequilts

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  1. Glad to hear DT is getting back to normal!

    6 of 7 days is great! I am coming back from a break so it has been nice to get back to sewing.

  2. I hate to admit that I'm still on a break. I am, however, getting geared up in my head to start up again.

  3. I have been feeling the need to play with a new project lately. The monthly projects just aren't exciting me right now--sounds like time for a break from them.

  4. Breaks are a must! I was working on two backs at the same time and had to take a break on one of them while I get the other one finished. Apparently doing two at the same time bores me. :)


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