
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Learn Something

Sadly the holiday weekend has come to an end.  I was fortunate enough to get to spend most of Monday in my sewing room after doing some serious deep cleaning around the house during the weekend.  I'd been neglecting the house a bit, but now the more "public" rooms are at least presentable should someone drop by.  

Last week was a pretty good one on the sewing front.  I managed to spend 5 out of the 7 seven days stitching for at least 15 minutes. 

Mon Ami became a finished flimsy last week and with the marathon sewing session yesterday, the back is almost assembled. So hopefully it will be ready to send out for quilting before the end of this week.  I probably shouldn't be too optimistic on that front, we have two home volleyball games, a volleyball tournament, a church youth group dinner and swim team tryouts this week.  I'm not likely to get much more than 15 minutes in the sewing room on any of those nights.  Some weeks are just that way.  

It's already September, which means we are three quarters of the way through this year's effort to foster creativity.  This month's theme is "learn something new every day".  The more you know, the more resources you have to solve problems in your quilting and in the non-quilting part of your life.  If you solve those non-quilting problems quickly, you have more time to stitch.  Works for me.  We'll definitely explore resources for learning something new about quilting with maybe one post focused on non-quilting stuff just so we stayed balanced.  

That's it for this week.  If you had a chance to get some stitching in or even if you didn't, link up and share how your week went.  

1. Pat

2. Julie in GA

3. Kate

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  1. Looks like you had a good week. As far as learning something new each

  2. I love learning new things, last year was my year for taking classes, Nicholl Mallelue, Sue Daley and the amazing Kathy Doughty it was fantastic and it inspired my creative processes. I can't say that I learn every day but I do love to learn. Maybe I will do some more classes next year.

  3. Congrats on the finished flimsy Kate. It's always a great week when something like that happens!

  4. Great week and Mon Ami looks great!


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