
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Benefits of Leaving the Rut

It's the last Tuesday in September.  Next Tuesday will be the first of October.  That's a scary thought.  As is the fact that last weekend I ordered the first Christmas present for 2013.  I wasn't consciously thinking about Christmas shopping, but there was a sale at PBTeen and I saw something that Drama Teen would enjoy, so it went into the shopping basket. I'm not thinking about it anymore or else I'll scare myself.  

Since it is the last Tuesday in the month, it's time to wrap up the fostering creativity theme of "learn something new every day".  That's definitely a challenge, especially for those of us who are already over scheduled.  There are on line classes that make that type of learning more schedule friendly.  But learning something new isn't limited to just taking classes.  Reading, UTube, Google are all ways to quickly find tips about how to do just about anything.  

In wrapping up this month's creativity theme I Googled "benefits of learning something new".  Those lists included everything from developing a sense of pride and accomplishment to the fact that learning something new improves memory and brain function.  My favorite benefit that showed up on one list was that the funniest stories are often the result of trying something new and failing.  I enjoy a good laugh, which is one of things to remember when trying something new, don't forget to bring along your sense of humor.  

The few days I've sewn this week, I have been learning something new.  I bought a specialty ruler a couple of years ago and finally found a use for it this week.  I'll have a post on that later this week. It's a good thing I've been working on something new because I sure didn't spend much time in the sewing room the last seven days.

There were only three days where I found both the time and energy to get myself into the sewing room.  There was just a lot going on at work last week in terms of deadlines.  Hopefully this week will be much better. 

How did your stitching go last week?  

1. Thea
2. Julie in GA
3. Kate
4. Pat

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  1. Ah well, they can't all be 7 out of 7 weeks. You still got three in and I consider that a success.

  2. I have to sometimes remind myself to bring my sense of humour when Im trying something new. I tend to get rather angsty about the perfection thing. Learning usually involves mistakes - but Im getting much better at accepting that as part of the process.

    Hope this week gives you more time to sew. We all have weeks like the one you just had.

  3. I don't think I could do most of what I do without YouTube. It's hard to remember what things were like before the internet.


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