
Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Design Wall - August 19th

It was a quiet weekend for a change, with not much going on.  So the house is a little cleaner and the piles of laundry are conquered for the time being. There was even some time for stitching.   I'm working on just three projects at the moment; Mon Ami, Back to Square One and Neutral Gems.  The only one of those that shows significant progress is Mon Ami.

Modified from Mon Ami
by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company

Three of the 5 borders have been added.  The 4th border is ready to sew on, hopefully I'll get to that tonight.  I probably won't get it done tonight, it's parent night at the school.  Then tomorrow night I have to work concessions for the high school volleyball games.  The rest of the week looks clear, as is next weekend.  So there is still a good chance that Mon Ami will be a finished flimsy by the end of the month.  

That's it for my design wall this week.  Check out the other design walls over at Patchwork Times.  


  1. Mon Ami is looking great! Nice work.

  2. This is a really pretty quilt. I love Miss Rosie designs!

  3. One of the nice things about quilting is that the quilt will still be there, ready for you, when you find the time to sew. And I know that you will find/make time when the family/school responsibilities are completed.

  4. I still love this quilt. Glad you are making steady progress on it. Enjoy the process as much as the product. It looks fabulous.

  5. Love this top! I don't think I have seen this pattern before.

  6. I really like this quilt! Well done!

  7. Im pretty confident you can knock this off before then end of the month Kate. It's looking great!

    5 ...Ive never done 5 borders.

  8. Fabulous Mon Ami! And almost done, even better!

  9. I stand in awe of your patriotic Mon Ami quilt! It truly looks wonderful! I am looking forward to there being nothing on my schedule the next few days as well!

  10. Your Mon Ami is very pretty. I have never seen this pattern made up before. I particularly like yours in red, white and blue.


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